Tag Archives: realistic-sense

Man Dressed as Zebra Tries to Escape Japan Zoo in Earthquake Preparedness Drill

The headline above and video below speak for themselves. A guy dressed as a zebra attempted to flee a Japanese zoo in an earthquake preparedness drill designed to train employees for such a situation. Good times. Japan Zoo Escape Drill Taking full precautions so that no animals go missing in an earthquake, Tokyo’s Tama Zoo came up with an elaborate (and unintentionally funny drill). Similating a realistic sense of fear and emergency (and hilariousness) the zoo employed a human to dress in a zebra suit and terrorize the other workers. Well, as much as a dude running around in a zebra suit can terrorize anything. The man-zebra put forth a good effort, delivering a nice head-butt to one of the workers, but he was fake tranquilized in the end. Mission accomplished! No word on whether a zebra was chosen due to its prisoner-like appearance.

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Man Dressed as Zebra Tries to Escape Japan Zoo in Earthquake Preparedness Drill