To the Bossip love lady. I have a puzzle for you to solve. I was married for 11 years and once the divorce was final, I took my time getting back into the dating game and finally decided to date this woman exclusively. I’m a about 8 years older than her she’s 27 and she is very smart but lacks the maturity of a woman my age. I thought that with time I could learn how to communicate with her and at this time I’m fairly content with where we are as far as talking through things go. Now this is a beautiful girl and her body is out of control but she sucks in bed. She’s stiff and hardly moves and the noises she makes are fake and even though she says she climaxed I know she didn’t. I don’t believe she’s ever had a orgasm. No matter how romantic I try to make our experience it’s the same thing time and time again. I haven’t touched her in a few weeks and to be honest I’ve lost interest. Is that like a jerk thing to do? Happy Friday to you, sir! Thank you for writing in and sharing your story. One can’t help but find the humor and irony of an aesthetically pleasing being who lacks passion. So you’ve got yourself a young one and you’re unhappy with your intimate moments. Is it because you feel like you’re doing all the work? Or, is it the age difference that’s keeping you all from connecting on an intimate level? Either way, you should really figure out what it is and go from there. Are you really into this girl? And if you are, are you willing to put in the work to grow your relationship or show her what you like and dislike? If you don’t want to date her any longer, let it be known so the both of you can move on. Despite the age difference, have you given the relationship with this young lady a fair chance? What were your intentions? Did you really want to build something solid or are you “playing the field?” Sometimes, if a woman senses there’s no longevity or feels like she can’t firmly plant herself into a potential relationship, despite your romantic gestures, she’s not going to give her all! That’s no excuse but it’s truth. Your question was: is it a jerk thing to do? And the answer is, yes. It’s a jerk thing to do because you haven’t communicated to her why you’ve lost interest and why you haven’t made strides to be intimate with her. So you should definitely tell her what’s on your mind and allow her to make a choice as to whether she wants to continue to see you and vice versa. Be honest with her and let her know that you’re losing interest. Really evaluate what you want from her and if this relationship is something you’re both willing to continue to invest your time in. Be honest and do the right thing, sir. Do the right thing. What are your thoughts, Bossip fam? Please share them below! Please remember to email all topic suggestions, feedback and questions to !
Continued here:
Sextra: She’s Beautiful but She Sucks in Bed