Tag Archives: really-pivotal

RPattz Calls Kissing Scenes WIth KStew "Difficult"

New Moon actor Robert Pattinson said the kissing scenes in the movie were “difficult” to film. The 23-year-old star plays the character of vampire Edward Cullen, and he was asked if it’s difficult to film kissing scenes with co-star Kristen Stewart

RPattz Calls Kissing Scenes WIth KStew "Difficult"

The Number To Heaven

So, anyway, this kid is on a boating trip with his lobster-monster dad, and they're bonding and stuff. But then it all goes wrong

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The Number To Heaven

Visual Effects: 100 Years of Inspiration

A nifty little retrospective of some of the most memorable special effects of the past century. These kinds of compilation are always subjective but they picked some real winners. ( Via Chunnel TV .) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Handstand Obama Playing Chess

…not checkers (sorry). If you're looking for a late Socialist period Obama work, this is a really pivotal piece, I think, confronting power and racial identity in a striking new color palette. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment