Tag Archives: really-prove

A Couple Glamour Model TIts of the Day

This Alice Goodwin chick’s tits are getting a lot of love lately…because they are big…and accepted into the UK Glamour Model escort agency…paving the way for VIP access to all the best parties in the UK….and landing low level celebrity, rich dude, soccer player cock looking for some trophy wife to really prove to the world that they’ve won at life…because when you’re an egotistical asshole…girls don’t really matter unless they look good enough to make your haters jealous…it’s the foundation of all success…but for some reason, I’d never commit to a hooker like this, I’m more into just using them as hookers behind closed doors…but not everyone is as classy as DrunkenStepfather.

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A Couple Glamour Model TIts of the Day

Foxy Brown’s 10 Second Sex Tape of the Day

I just posted some Lil Kim bikini pictures and figure that I might as well throw up this possible Foxy Brown blowjob scene, not because I am a porn site, but because I am a news site….right…..Either way, there’s no way to really prove this is her, not because all black people look the same, stop thinking I am racist,, but because the quality is shit, some asshole covered her face with a caption for the fuckin’ blind and I’m calling bullshit, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t post it for you, not that I have a job, but we’re all allowed to pretend, especially the person who released this video.

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Foxy Brown’s 10 Second Sex Tape of the Day