Tag Archives: stop-thinking

Olivia Munn in her Bikini of the Day

I fucking hate Olivia Munn and her scam. She’s not fucking hot…stop thinking she is just because she speaks your fucking language you virgin gamer motherfuckers….and here she is in a bikini, showing off her average at best body…but a body you think is substantial cuz she marketed herself to your bullshit, loser, socially awkward demographic. I hate you…. The only thing I like about these pictures is that her bikini looks like something you’d get if your bikini had sex with your lingerie and had illegitimate babies…but seriously put that shit on someone worth lookin’ at in a fucking bikini. Thanks in advance assholes….

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Olivia Munn in her Bikini of the Day

Zach Galifianakis’ SNL Promos

Link: http://videogum.com/149702/zach-galif… This is going to be so great! Even if Zach does half the show in Amy Adams voice. Read

Hurley Parties In The USA

I didn't think I liked this song, but seeing it in this context makes it so much better. The one downside is that now I can't stop thinking about Hurley shaking his hips like “yeah.” The Best Links: Via Vulture Watch

Lil Kim Fat Tits in a Bikini, I Think, of the Day

I can’t really figure this shit out, Lil Kim looks fucking disgusting and I know I some of you used to masturbate to the lyrics of her songs and now you can masturbate to pictures of her fat tits spilling out of a bikini top while the rest of her is covered, because like all good black women, she’s taken up eating biscuits instead of sucking hip hop cock for record deals. I guess everyone loses their drive at some point, I’ve been lucky enough to have never had one making my slow decent into the pits of hell a pretty easy transition, since there was no fall from any top…

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Lil Kim Fat Tits in a Bikini, I Think, of the Day

Foxy Brown’s 10 Second Sex Tape of the Day

I just posted some Lil Kim bikini pictures and figure that I might as well throw up this possible Foxy Brown blowjob scene, not because I am a porn site, but because I am a news site….right…..Either way, there’s no way to really prove this is her, not because all black people look the same, stop thinking I am racist,, but because the quality is shit, some asshole covered her face with a caption for the fuckin’ blind and I’m calling bullshit, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t post it for you, not that I have a job, but we’re all allowed to pretend, especially the person who released this video.

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Foxy Brown’s 10 Second Sex Tape of the Day