Tag Archives: reasons-lately

10 Dope Rap Acts Who Could Not Top Their Freshman Albums

It’s hard to top a classic album, even if that classic was the artist’s debut. It almost seems like a given that, as time progresses, an artist would get better at their craft and be able to put out better and better material. However, for whatever reason, that is rarely the case… Continue Continue reading

Mexico’s Deadly Drug War: A Look At The Violent 5-Year Conflict

Mexico enjoys the distinction of having one of the world’s most vibrant economies and is a favored tourist destination by many, with millions of international visits per year. However, the country has become infamous for less favorable reasons lately… Continue Continue reading

Mexico’s Deadly Drug War: A Look At The Violent 5-Year Conflict

Mexico enjoys the distinction of having one of the world’s most vibrant economies and is a favored tourist destination by many, with millions of international visits per year. However, the country has become infamous for less favorable reasons lately… Continue Continue reading

Mexico’s Deadly Drug War: A Look At The Violent 5-Year Conflict

Mexico enjoys the distinction of having one of the world’s most vibrant economies and is a favored tourist destination by many, with millions of international visits per year. However, the country has become infamous for less favorable reasons lately… Continue Continue reading

Mayor Bloomberg: Diana Taylor’s a Better Kisser Than Lady Gaga


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Lady Gaga and MichaelBloomberg (Photo: Getty) At a press conference earlier today in Queens, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was asked about kissing Lady Gaga on New Years night . After reflecting on it for a moment, he jokingly said that he “would be remiss if I didn’t also add to that the best kiss of the night came after that, from Diana.” “Just so that I can get through the night,” he added laughing…. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Politicker Discovery Date : 03/01/2012 20:00 Number of articles : 2

Mayor Bloomberg: Diana Taylor’s a Better Kisser Than Lady Gaga

ASUS Transformer Prime is Rooted


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The ASUS Transformer Prime has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons lately, but there is a bit a of good news today for all the Android wizards out there. The Prime has been successfully rooted by jcase and the AndIRC team. The root method isn’t currently available to the general public, but those Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Android Phone Fans Discovery Date : 03/01/2012 20:31 Number of articles : 2

ASUS Transformer Prime is Rooted