Tag Archives: recently-stood

Bardi Cares: Cardi B. Shows Support For Former Strip Club

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Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TIDAL Cardi B. continues to prove she has not forgotten her roots. She recently stood up for her former place of work that is in danger of being shut down permanently. The Bronx bombshell recently took to social media to advocate justice for Love & Lust, a gentleman’s club she used to dance at that has been closed by the city. “Justice for LUST!!! Come on now that’s f - - ked up, never a shoot out, nobody ever got murked. Its like you can’t win for s - - t!!! OPEN THEM LOCKS.” Source: INSTAGRAM @IAMCARDIB / INSTAGRAM @IAMCARDIB Since opening in 2014, owner Imran Jairam claims his venue has been unfairly targeted by local police with summons, raids, fines and more. More recently he alleges the NYPD also came in looking for a bribe. In 2017 Jairam says  Deputy Inspector Emmanuel Gonzalez visited his nightspot looking for free services including round-trip airfare to Puerto Rico and generators for the island post Hurricane Maria. Love & Lust have since filed a $125 million dollar suit against the State of New York. The NYPD Captains Endowment Association president has commented on the allegations directly but only saying the nightspot is “looking to shift focus from their bad conduct.” You can view Imran’s interview with The Breakfast Club detailing the history of issues below. Via  Page Six Photo: WENN.com

Bardi Cares: Cardi B. Shows Support For Former Strip Club