Tag Archives: regulatory

On An Historic Occasion


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The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced that it has approved Southern Nuclear’s combined construction and operating license (COL) for the two-reactor Plant Vogtle expansion in Georgia. Southern Nuclear, a subsidiary of Southern Company, will build two Westinghouse Electric Co. AP1000 reactors at the site near Augusta, Ga. In the following video, Southern Co.’s Tom Fanning discusses the historic… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : NEI Nuclear Notes Discovery Date : 09/02/2012 19:00 Number of articles : 2

On An Historic Occasion

On An Historic Occasion


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The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced that it has approved Southern Nuclear’s combined construction and operating license (COL) for the two-reactor Plant Vogtle expansion in Georgia. Southern Nuclear, a subsidiary of Southern Company, will build two Westinghouse Electric Co. AP1000 reactors at the site near Augusta, Ga. In the following video, Southern Co.’s Tom Fanning discusses the historic… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : NEI Nuclear Notes Discovery Date : 09/02/2012 19:00 Number of articles : 2

On An Historic Occasion

Newsweek Mocks ‘Poor Little CEO’s,’ Attacks Private Sector

The news media love to bash businesses and support regulation, so Newsweek’s mockery of the CEO class and claims that they accomplished nothing between 2001 and 2009 shouldn’t be a surprise. In his July 20 ” Poor Little CEO’s ” story, Newsweek’s Daniel Gross, known for his ” tea bagging ” comments and staunch defense of Obama , derided a July 12 “Jobs for America” summit held by the U.S Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, and the National Federation of Independent Business. Gross mocked the jobs summit saying it was “a little like BP holding a deepwater-drilling safety summit.” He also blamed corporate America for a “lost decade” that ended with “the deepest recession since the Great Depression.” “Between 2001 and 2009, corporate America designed the playing field to its specifications – easy money from the Federal Reserve; lower taxes on capital gains, dividends, and income; an administration that let industry essentially write its own regulations,” Gross claimed. On the contrary, the Bush administration passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which policed mark-to-market accounting with criminal penalties, hardly a regulation “designed” to corporate America’s “specifications.” As for the “lost decade,” the Bush Administration oversaw 52 months of job creation in a decade despite constant media assault. Gross criticized both the Bush and Obama administrations for being “remarkably solicitous” to big business and for their regulatory policies not going far enough: “What’s more, many of the policies recently put in place are quite friendly to big business.” As an example he cited one company, General Electric, ignoring the many other businesses threatened by Obama’s policies. Friendly? A financial reform bill that includes a consumer financial protection bureau and the Volcker Rule is not “friendly.” Additionally, President Obama has hardly been “friendly” to businesses, from forcing the ouster of General Motors’ CEO to his constant anti-business rhetoric .

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Newsweek Mocks ‘Poor Little CEO’s,’ Attacks Private Sector

Corporatism 101: [1990] Congress artificially limits Oil companies liability to a meager $75 million dollars.

If you took a barrel of oil and dumped it into a stream on your property you would be fully liable for damage to the property and person of anyone down stream. So when BP’s oil well ruptures, dumping millions of gallons of oil into the gulf the company is fully responsible for the damages it caused and those affected should be fully compensated to be made whole again, right? Unfortunately, the 1990 Oil Pollution Act caps an Oil company’s liability for economic damages relating to an oil spill at $75 million. (As of May 3rd the economic Cost of the BP Oil Spill: was $12.5 Billion, so that only leaves $12,425,000,000 of damages unpaid.) source: http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/05/03/oil-spill-cost/ Luckily the Act provides that if the courts determine BP was “grossly negligent or engaged in conduct in violation of federal regulations,” the $75 million cap disappears, so BP is not of the hook yet right? Wrong. Unfortunately, a little known government agency, the Minerals Management Service, “approved BP's application to drill under the Deepwater Horizon and …and approved the blowout preventer that failed to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill without assurances that its last-ditch mechanism would work on the drill pipe the company was using.” [1] And the rigs strong track record of passing inspections prompted the regulatory agency to “herald the Deepwater Horizon as an industry model for safety.” [2] The chances of a court finding that BP was “grossly negligent” or in violation of federal regulations, are nil when the very agency that oversees BP not only routinely found the well in compliance with the federal regulations but also hailed it as a model for industry safety. So congress has been caught with its pants down, because the special privilege of a liability cap they created for the oil companies, the judiciary or anyone else can't punish -through punitive damages – or even hold BP liable for more than a fraction of the amount of damage they caused. Which raises an important question: absent a congressional created cap on liability of only $75 million, would BP have drilled an unprecedented 5,000 ft well , without knowledge, technology or experience of capping wells at that depth, if they had unlimited liability and had to pay the actual full amount of the potential damages?($12.5 billion as of May 3.) http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/05/oil_spill_liability_whos_on_th… [1.] http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/updates_from_oil_rig_e… [2.] http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/federal_inspections_on… added by: Dagum

GM: Hummer production will halt on Tuesday!

General Motors Co. will halt Hummer production next week at its Louisiana plant until sale of the brand to a Chinese company is completed.

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GM: Hummer production will halt on Tuesday!