Tag Archives: religious-trap

Some Tits for Fashion of the Day

The magazine is called Pilot, it is out of New Zealand, I assume it is some fashion hipster shit, but I didn’t bother googling them, I just decided to promote them for free by posting pictures they took of Model Rose Smith showing a little nipple…..cuz any bitch willing to show off her tits is worth celebrating, especially when she’s showing her nipple to advance her career based on false promises…”if you just put on this sheer top, people will notice and Victoria’s Secret will call, I promise”….AMAZING…

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Some Tits for Fashion of the Day

Behind the Scenes Tit for Fashion Video of the Day

Only Hearts Photoshoot Behind The Scene’s from Nathanial Stuart on Vimeo . One of my homies makes videos. He did this behind the shoot video for some lingerie company called Only Hearts, featuring some hot model bitch named Nina Marie, and he sent it to me to remind me that his life is substantially better than mine….so I figured I’d post it to remind him that despite being on set with tits, I have the power to make this Nina Marie bitch famous, and thus she will be all over my dick, while he’s being interrogated by the FEDS for using copyrighted music without the copyright, at least that’s my motivation in doing all this, ignoring the fact that nothing ever works out my way….and that I can’t make people famous…not even myself…but don’t tell her that…lies are what get me by….

Go here to see the original:
Behind the Scenes Tit for Fashion Video of the Day

Anais Pouliot TItty for Numero of the Day

I once wrote a poem for this ANAIS POULIOT chick…I think it’s because I found out she is from Montreal, and that if she came across it, she’d track me down, and sweep me under her model nipple, and let me move into her model vagina. That never happened…. What did happen though, is that bitch has gone from some no name magazine, to some bigger scale magazine, proving that showing your tits pays off…and any bitch who refuses to show you her tits just isn’t ambitious or driven….. Seriously, I’ve heard of Numero, that’s big time for a small town Quebecer with nipples…but I’d still rather be looking at pics of her namesake…you know her anus…cuz there’s so much nipple in fashion, but not enough anus. That’s gotta send, hopefully with her, since her name is ANUS…. That’s all I have to say about that…

Continued here:
Anais Pouliot TItty for Numero of the Day

Katie Holmes Great Cleavage of the Day

I haven’t always loved Katie Holmes. If anything I’ve always found her a bit of an uptight looking cunt….I didn’t even care when Tom Cruise Brainwashed her into his weird religious trap of weirdness….I just couldn’t be bothered…. But I’ve always loved Katie Holmes tit. There’s a movie she’s in where she gets raped and kill and you see her topeless, that’s clearly her best work, and something I assume may be a self fullfilling prophecy when Tom Cruise finally loses his fucking mind officially…. So seeing her exploit her tit for a change is good enough for me to post… To See The Rest of the Pictures Follow This Link

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Katie Holmes Great Cleavage of the Day