Tag Archives: remain-at-home

14 Dads Who Should Never Be Left Alone with Their Kids

We already know that certain parents out there should not be allowed to text . But even when they put their phones down, it's pretty evident that at least a handful of fathers in the world should not be allowed to remain at home alone with their kids, either. We're sure they mean well. We're also sure, however, that they shouldn't done any of this stuff with their children. Scroll down to see what we mean… 1. Heil, No! Seriously, just… no. 2. Is That Snack Really Worth This? It doesn’t even look all that appetizing. 3. We Have So Many Questions Why the kiddie pool? Why the towel when we don’t see any water in it? Overall, when it comes this scene, just: WHY?!? 4. Hurry Up and Drink, Kid! I’m about to beat my high score! 5. What, It’s Raining Out And she said she wanted to swing. 6. Trust Me, It Says You’re Batman Hehe, it’s funny to mock kids who can’t read yet. View Slideshow

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14 Dads Who Should Never Be Left Alone with Their Kids