Tag Archives: restoration

Sign the Petition to Restore the Gulf

“In light of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster, Women of the Storm is rallying to restore America’s Gulf coast now and for future generations. The “Be the One” effort intends to galvanize the nation around the cause of coastal restoration in order to demand that government leaders address this critical issue. By signing this petition, you add your name to the list of Americans demanding a plan, fully funded and implemented, for the restoration of the Gulf of Mexico, its coastlines and its wetlands.” Take action now: http://www.restorethegulf.com/ Thank you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUO3M7MYvAI&feature=player_embedded Join the Organic Movement: http://current.com/groups/organicgreen/ added by: lookatmypix

Stephen Baldwin Needs Your Donations, Right Now, Because of God

Until recently, the most cringe-inducing thing I had read in quite some time was The Onion’s new, spot-on article, “Sad Sack Purchases Screenwriting Software” (“Norgren, whose script ideas were literally too sad to print here, said he likes films with smart dialogue and characters who overcome obstacles”). Then, I stumbled across the website The Restoration of Stephen Baldwin .

The rest is here:
Stephen Baldwin Needs Your Donations, Right Now, Because of God

How Did the Bush Administration Generate 234,042 Emails Per Day?

Two groups reached an agreement with the Obama administration today which will release 22 million White House emails that were previously “lost” by the Bush Administration. These messages span 94 days.

Continue reading here:
How Did the Bush Administration Generate 234,042 Emails Per Day?