Unemployment figures may be improving around the country, but try telling that to Kristen Stewart. Appearing relaxed and beautiful (in a VERY revealing gown ), the actress spoke to E! News on the red carpet of the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere and said she has no career prospects on the horizon. “I’m kinda desperate to get a job right now,” Stewart said . “I’m itching to go back to work.” Until then, however, Kristen is simply trying to enjoy this final run with her Twilight Saga co-stars. Despite the ongoing controversy surrounding her personal life, the star summed up her state of mind these days: “I feel really good. I’m trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don’t want to miss one.” Check out our Breaking Dawn Part 2 review now and sound off: Are you excited to see this franchise-concluding saga?
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Kristen Stewart: Desperate for Work!