Tag Archives: david petraeus

Jill Kelley Sues FBI for Breach of Privacy

Jill Kelley – the Tampa socialite who complained to the FBI about threatening emails sent her way by Paula Broadwell – is suing the FBI and the Department of Defense. In documents filed yesterday, she claims that the government agencies violated her rights while investigating what turned out to be Broadwell’s affair with David Petraeus . By exposing her name as the whistleblower, Kelley and her husband say the FBI and DoD ruined their social lives and their connections, both of which are keys to their earning potential. “There was no legally acceptable reason for the government to disclose confidential information about the Kelleys and thereby make them part of the public scandal,” reads the lawsuit. Details about the the couple’s personal lives and their fiscal troubles were widely reported, it adds. “Mrs. Kelley’s reputation is indelibly tainted. She is consistently referred to as the ‘center’ of the ‘sex scandal’ and is often portrayed as the woman who brought down two American generals. As a result, she — the victim and a participant in none of the bad acts in the sex scandal — has shouldered the blame as the villain in the generals’ downfall.” Kelley now says she’s a fighter for greater Internet privacy, telling The Huffington Post in a statement that her experience here “made me an advocate for privacy rights for every American.” The Justice Department has 60 days to respond to this lawsuit.

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Jill Kelley Sues FBI for Breach of Privacy

Kim Jong Un: Voted Person of the Year 2012 By Time Readers!

Kim Jong Un is Time’s 2012 Person of the Year … if the magazine’s online readers have their say anyway. He was chosen by a landslide margin, hilariously. Time readers picked North Korean leader over President Barack Obama, Gabrielle Douglas, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Jon Stewart in an online vote. It doesn’t mean Kim will be named Time’s official Person of the Year 2012, which is announced December 19; that call is entirely the Time editorial board’s. Still, the son and successor of the late Kim Jong Il – who was also named the Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive earlier this fall – received 5.6 million votes. That’s 5.6 million more than either Kim ever got in North Korea! Axis of Evil BURN!!!! “We don’t make our selection based on the poll results,” Time executive editor Radhika Jones noted in the blog post that announced the winners. “But it’s always interesting to see where some of our preferred candidates end up.” As has been the case in previous years, users of 4chan launched a campaign to manipulate the poll, pushing North Korea’s supreme leader to the top. Rounding out the top five: Stewart (2.4 million votes) Undocumented immigrants (1.55 million) Douglas (1.51 million) Burmese leaders Aung San Suu Kyi and Thein Sein (1.48 million) If Kim is chosen as Time’s Person of the Year, it wouldn’t be a totally ridiculous choice Shrouded in mystery, the 28-year-old rose out of nowhere over the past year to become one of the world’s most powerful and last remaining despots. More than likely, though, it’ll go to Obama or someone more conventional. Or no one specifically. Sometimes the Person of the Year is not one particular person. In 2011, for example, it was “The Protester.” In 2006, it was “You.” The Person of the Year, instituted in 1927, is “bestowed by the editors on the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill.” Also, the person who “embodied what was important about the year.” Barbara Walters cast her own vote this week: David Petraeus .

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Kim Jong Un: Voted Person of the Year 2012 By Time Readers!

David Petraeus: Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating Person of 2012!

Barbara Walters’ 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 special aired last night, and the #1 most fascinating of the electic mix of individuals was revealed at last: David Petraeus! The special highlighted the achievements and antics of those that kept us enthralled for the past 12 months, from Ben Affleck to Gabby Douglas to Honey Boo Boo . But it was Petraeus, the decorated U.S. military hero now disgraced by an affair that forced his resignation as director of the CIA, who took the top prize. “He is, without question, one of the finest officers and minds of his generation,” said Walters. “Then shockingly, he resigned as head of the CIA because he’d had an extramarital affair with Paula Broadwell, his biographer. … The story was irresistible.” “The keeper of the nation’s secrets, unable to conceal his own.” Yes … the story of a man attracted to a younger woman who was taken with him is so unique. Paula Broadwell , of course, was revealed as Petraeus mistress after apparently emailing Jill Kelley, another woman he knew socially, and telling her to step off. Petraeus has been married to his wife, Holly, for 37 years. On the entertainment side, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane received a spot, along with British boy band One Direction and 50 Shades of Grey author E L James. Political nods went to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. What do you think of David Petraeus as the year’s most fascinating person?   Yes, that story was the craziest! No, are you kidding me? View Poll »

See the article here:
David Petraeus: Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating Person of 2012!

Jill Kelley: How Did She Expose Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus Affair?

Jill Kelley is an unlikely figure to be involved in a major government scandal, but was instrumental in exposing the Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus affair. How did the 37-year-old mother of three end up in that position? Kelley, an event planner, had e-mailed the mayor of Tampa, Fla., mayor before, according to People ‘s new cover story , but never under these circumstances. On November 14, she e-mailed Mayor Bob Buckhorn about news crews camped outside her home. “To put insult to injury, your police department gave the local 911 tapes to the press!” she wrote. “I’m scared and cannot believe what my city – in which I have contributed so much of my love, time, money and leadership – has now done to me and my innocent family.” Buckhorn did nothing about Kelley’s complaint and attributed the release of her phone calls to police invoking “diplomatic protection” she’s not entitled to, to “public record.” For Jill Kelley , an unpaid community liaison at MacDill Air Force Base, who placed herself at the nexus of Tampa’s military-civilian circles, his response was telling. Her fall was now going to be as spectacular as her rise. Not that she didn’t have company on the way down. By cozying up to two four-star generals, Kelley inadvertently exposed the scandal that brought down Petraeus. After admitting an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell , the CIA Director and former chief of U.S. Central Command was forced to resign. John Allen’s promotion to head NATO forces in Europe is also in limbo while what government officials describe as suggestive e-mails he wrote to Kelley. How did every thread in this tangled web link back to the chatty, flirty Kelley? Her connection to FBI agent Frederick Humphries – who she notified after receiving threatening, anonymous emails – was the missing link, leading the bureau to Broadwell. Apparently jealous and threatened by the raven-haired Kelley, Broadwell told her to quit flirting with Petraeus in emails that Humphries used to uncover the affair. But Kelley’s entry into their world ran deeper than that. For military lifers like Petraeus and Allen stationed at Central Command in Tampa, the relative glitz Kelley and her twin sister brought proved enchanting. “Here’s the thing about commanders: They can get isolated. It’s nice to have civilian friends who support you,” says an active duty Army community-outreach official. “Mostly it’s a nice thing. This one backfired.” Epically.

See the rest here:
Jill Kelley: How Did She Expose Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus Affair?

Kristen Stewart: Desperate for Work!

Unemployment figures may be improving around the country, but try telling that to Kristen Stewart. Appearing relaxed and beautiful (in a VERY revealing gown ), the actress spoke to E! News on the red carpet of the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere and said she has no career prospects on the horizon. “I’m kinda desperate to get a job right now,” Stewart said . “I’m itching to go back to work.” Until then, however, Kristen is simply trying to enjoy this final run with her Twilight Saga co-stars. Despite the ongoing controversy surrounding her personal life, the star summed up her state of mind these days: “I feel really good. I’m trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don’t want to miss one.” Check out our Breaking Dawn Part 2 review now and sound off: Are you excited to see this franchise-concluding saga?

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Kristen Stewart: Desperate for Work!

Kristen Stewart: Desperate for Work!

Unemployment figures may be improving around the country, but try telling that to Kristen Stewart. Appearing relaxed and beautiful (in a VERY revealing gown ), the actress spoke to E! News on the red carpet of the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere and said she has no career prospects on the horizon. “I’m kinda desperate to get a job right now,” Stewart said . “I’m itching to go back to work.” Until then, however, Kristen is simply trying to enjoy this final run with her Twilight Saga co-stars. Despite the ongoing controversy surrounding her personal life, the star summed up her state of mind these days: “I feel really good. I’m trying to take in every single one of these moments. I don’t want to miss one.” Check out our Breaking Dawn Part 2 review now and sound off: Are you excited to see this franchise-concluding saga?

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Kristen Stewart: Desperate for Work!

Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley: You Like Touching Petraeus Under the Table?

The content of the emails sent by David Petraeus’ mistress Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley – her perceived rival for the CIA chief’s extramarital affections – are slowly being revealed. In one email, Broadwell told Kelley she saw her touching Petraeus provocatively under the table and wondered if her husband was aware of her actions. Most of the other messages sent by Paula Broadwell (left) were similar, with one investigator calling them “kind of cat-fight stuff,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Broadwell also accused Jill Kelley of “parading” around MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where Kelley was a volunteer liaison arranging social events. David Petraeus, a retired four-star U.S. Army general, was based there from 2008-2010; he was appointed as Director of the CIA 14 months ago. “The [ emails ] were like, ‘Who do you think you are? … You parade around the base … Take it down a notch,'” said a source of Broadwell’s accusations toward Kelley. Kelley is believed to have contacted a friend at the FBI regarding the emails; the bureau investigated and uncovered Petraeus’ affair with Broadwell. Petraeus resigned and admitted the affair Friday. He and Holly Petraeus have been married for 37 years and have two grown children together. Herself a married mother of three, Kelley has issued a statement saying, “We and our family have been friends with Gen. Petraeus for over five years.” “We respect his family’s privacy and want the same for us and our three children.” Kelley has adamantly denied any involvement with Petraeus of a sexual nature.

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Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley: You Like Touching Petraeus Under the Table?

Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley: You Like Touching Petraeus Under the Table?

The content of the emails sent by David Petraeus’ mistress Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley – her perceived rival for the CIA chief’s extramarital affections – are slowly being revealed. In one email, Broadwell told Kelley she saw her touching Petraeus provocatively under the table and wondered if her husband was aware of her actions. Most of the other messages sent by Paula Broadwell (left) were similar, with one investigator calling them “kind of cat-fight stuff,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Broadwell also accused Jill Kelley of “parading” around MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, where Kelley was a volunteer liaison arranging social events. David Petraeus, a retired four-star U.S. Army general, was based there from 2008-2010; he was appointed as Director of the CIA 14 months ago. “The [ emails ] were like, ‘Who do you think you are? … You parade around the base … Take it down a notch,'” said a source of Broadwell’s accusations toward Kelley. Kelley is believed to have contacted a friend at the FBI regarding the emails; the bureau investigated and uncovered Petraeus’ affair with Broadwell. Petraeus resigned and admitted the affair Friday. He and Holly Petraeus have been married for 37 years and have two grown children together. Herself a married mother of three, Kelley has issued a statement saying, “We and our family have been friends with Gen. Petraeus for over five years.” “We respect his family’s privacy and want the same for us and our three children.” Kelley has adamantly denied any involvement with Petraeus of a sexual nature.

See more here:
Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley: You Like Touching Petraeus Under the Table?

Psy to Perform at American Music Awards

The American Music Awards will go “Gangnam Style” Sunday night. Korean rapper Psy, also known as Park Jae-Sang, is being honored at the annual event as 2012’s new media honoree for his massive cyber success. He will also perform live at the event. He will receive a trophy for international smash hit single, which is now the second most-viewed YouTube video of all time after Justin Bieber’s “Baby.” The 40th annual American Music Awards airs Sunday at 8 p.m.

Continued here:
Psy to Perform at American Music Awards

Kittens Watch Tennis, Cause Internet to Collectively Melt

When do two grunting women smacking a ball back and forth become the cutest video you’ll see all month? When those two grunting women are watched by a pair of adorable kittens. With respect to Serena Williams, Roger Federer and the beauty of professional tennis, the focus of the following clip is on the pets viewing this impressive sport, as they sit mesmerized by the action in front of them… Cats Watch Tennis

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Kittens Watch Tennis, Cause Internet to Collectively Melt