Tag Archives: after-visiting

Gut Full Of Nothing: Kimmy Cakes Concerned That She Can’t Get Pregnant With Second Baby

Is Kimmy the new Khloé? Kim Kardashian And Kanye Stressed That She Can’t Get Pregnant According to TMZ reports : Kim Kardashian is upset for a very good reason … as hard as she’s been trying, she can’t get pregnant. Kim has been very open with friends and family … she and Kanye have been trying to have another baby for the last 9 months but nothing has worked. Kim has been to fertility doctors, but they’ve made it clear … having another baby is a long shot. Turns out North West was a miracle baby … she had 3 specialists tell her she couldn’t get pregnant before North was conceived. Kim and Kanye assumed the second baby would be easier since it worked once, but the doctors are telling her that’s not the case. We’re told Kim is trying to reduce her stress and cut down on traveling … per doctor’s advice. The pic was taken Tuesday in Bev Hills after visiting her doctor. We’re told Kanye has been to almost every doctor’s visit … Kim goes once a month. Yeezus may have to lay is healing hands on Kimmy’s uterus to make a miracle child. Image via Splash Continue reading

PETA to Obama: Stop Pardoning Turkeys!

Since the days of George H.W. Bush, Presidents have spared the lives of a couple fortunate turkeys every year around Thanksgiving. This year, for example, President Obama will pardon two birds named Cobbler and Gobbler. The West Wing – Bartlet Pardons Turkey But PETA is actually against this act, as chairman Ingrid Newkirk addressed the Leader of the Free World today and said: “It makes light of the mass slaughter of some 46 million gentle, intelligent birds and portrays the United States’ president as being in some sort of business partnership with the turkey-killing industry/ Turkeys do not need to be ‘pardoned’-they are not guilty of anything other than being born into a world of prejudice. They are innocents who should be respected for who they are: good mothers, smart birds, and interesting animals. “You understand so well that African-Americans, women, and members of the LGBT community have been poorly served throughout history and now I am asking you to consider other living beings who are ridiculed, belittled, and treated as if their sentience, feelings, and very natures count for nothing.” Yes, she just compared the plight of turkeys to minority human beings. Are you on the side of PETA? Should President stop pardoning them?   Yes, it’s only fair! Yes, it’s hilarious! No, it’s insensitive! View Poll »

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PETA to Obama: Stop Pardoning Turkeys!

Jill Kelley: How Did She Expose Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus Affair?

Jill Kelley is an unlikely figure to be involved in a major government scandal, but was instrumental in exposing the Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus affair. How did the 37-year-old mother of three end up in that position? Kelley, an event planner, had e-mailed the mayor of Tampa, Fla., mayor before, according to People ‘s new cover story , but never under these circumstances. On November 14, she e-mailed Mayor Bob Buckhorn about news crews camped outside her home. “To put insult to injury, your police department gave the local 911 tapes to the press!” she wrote. “I’m scared and cannot believe what my city – in which I have contributed so much of my love, time, money and leadership – has now done to me and my innocent family.” Buckhorn did nothing about Kelley’s complaint and attributed the release of her phone calls to police invoking “diplomatic protection” she’s not entitled to, to “public record.” For Jill Kelley , an unpaid community liaison at MacDill Air Force Base, who placed herself at the nexus of Tampa’s military-civilian circles, his response was telling. Her fall was now going to be as spectacular as her rise. Not that she didn’t have company on the way down. By cozying up to two four-star generals, Kelley inadvertently exposed the scandal that brought down Petraeus. After admitting an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell , the CIA Director and former chief of U.S. Central Command was forced to resign. John Allen’s promotion to head NATO forces in Europe is also in limbo while what government officials describe as suggestive e-mails he wrote to Kelley. How did every thread in this tangled web link back to the chatty, flirty Kelley? Her connection to FBI agent Frederick Humphries – who she notified after receiving threatening, anonymous emails – was the missing link, leading the bureau to Broadwell. Apparently jealous and threatened by the raven-haired Kelley, Broadwell told her to quit flirting with Petraeus in emails that Humphries used to uncover the affair. But Kelley’s entry into their world ran deeper than that. For military lifers like Petraeus and Allen stationed at Central Command in Tampa, the relative glitz Kelley and her twin sister brought proved enchanting. “Here’s the thing about commanders: They can get isolated. It’s nice to have civilian friends who support you,” says an active duty Army community-outreach official. “Mostly it’s a nice thing. This one backfired.” Epically.

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Jill Kelley: How Did She Expose Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus Affair?

Clinton Falls Asleep During Obama Speech in Myanmar

There’s jet lag, and there’s jet lag after visiting more than 100 countries in four years, at which point no coffee, Red Bull or Five Hour Energy is gonna get it done. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looked like she hit a wall right in the middle of President Obama’s speech in Myanmar on Monday, falling asleep briefly. Watch: Clinton Falls Asleep in Myanmar While Hillary, who sat next to Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, likely wishes she hadn’t nodded off, she shouldn’t worry all that much considering: She helped broker an Israel-Hamas cease fire 48 hours later. Obama does kinda tend to drag these things out sometimes. Soon she can sleep for 2-3 years prior to the 2016 election .

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Clinton Falls Asleep During Obama Speech in Myanmar

Katie Holmes makes a quick dash in the city


Katie Holmes is back in New York after visiting with Tom Cruise who is busy filming the latest Mission Impossible film.

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Katie Holmes makes a quick dash in the city

Rihanna Will Be Fine For London Show

Singer Rihanna has reassured fans she will be fit for her upcoming London shows after hurting her ribs during a recent gig. The 21-year-old star hurt her ribs when she performed a recent date in Zurich but has said to fans that, after visiting a Swiss clinic, she will be fine for her London shows. Speaking from Paris, she said to UK newspaper Evening Standard : “I’ve had a few injuries, and one thing made another worse. Eventually, I had to have it checked out. My ribs are still hurting, but I will be raring to go by London.” Rihanna = Gamer.

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Rihanna Will Be Fine For London Show

Larry Birkhead & Dannielynn Leave The Bahamas

Larry Birkhead and daughter Dannielynn made their way out of the Bahamas yesterday afternoon after visiting Anna Nicole Smith’s gravesite. Anna’s birthday was Nov. 28.

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Larry Birkhead & Dannielynn Leave The Bahamas