Tag Archives: michelle-chamue

Jill Kelley Sues FBI for Breach of Privacy

Jill Kelley – the Tampa socialite who complained to the FBI about threatening emails sent her way by Paula Broadwell – is suing the FBI and the Department of Defense. In documents filed yesterday, she claims that the government agencies violated her rights while investigating what turned out to be Broadwell’s affair with David Petraeus . By exposing her name as the whistleblower, Kelley and her husband say the FBI and DoD ruined their social lives and their connections, both of which are keys to their earning potential. “There was no legally acceptable reason for the government to disclose confidential information about the Kelleys and thereby make them part of the public scandal,” reads the lawsuit. Details about the the couple’s personal lives and their fiscal troubles were widely reported, it adds. “Mrs. Kelley’s reputation is indelibly tainted. She is consistently referred to as the ‘center’ of the ‘sex scandal’ and is often portrayed as the woman who brought down two American generals. As a result, she — the victim and a participant in none of the bad acts in the sex scandal — has shouldered the blame as the villain in the generals’ downfall.” Kelley now says she’s a fighter for greater Internet privacy, telling The Huffington Post in a statement that her experience here “made me an advocate for privacy rights for every American.” The Justice Department has 60 days to respond to this lawsuit.

More here:
Jill Kelley Sues FBI for Breach of Privacy

The Voice Recap: Country Strong?

The Voice went just a little bit country last night. Okay, it went A LOT bit country, as artists covered included Martina McBride, Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood. Not that we’re complaining: those ladies can bring it! But could the remaining six contestants do the same? Sasha Allen – “Before He Cheats” Danielle Bradbery – “A Little Bit Stronger” With a spot in the semifinals at stake, Amber Carrington and Michelle Chamue likely fared best, while The Swon Brothers really need to be voted out already. It’s just their time. View two more videos from the evening below and then vote on the best performance from an entertaining Top 6… Michelle Chamuel – “I Knew You Were Trouble” Amber Carrington – “Crazy” WHICH COVER IMPRESSED YOU MOST?   Holly Tucker – “When God-Fearin’ Women Get the Blues” Michelle Chamuel – “Somewhere Only We Know” The Swon Brothers – “Wagon Wheel” Sasha Allen – “Ain’t No Way” Danielle Bradbery – “Shake the Sugar Tree” Amber Carrington: – “I Remember You” The Swon Brothers – Okie from Muskogee” Holly Tucker – “My Wish” Michelle Chamuel – “I Knew You Were Trouble” Amber Carrington – “Crazy” Danielle Bradbery – “A Little Bit Stronger” Sasha Allen – “Before He Cheats” View Poll »

Originally posted here:
The Voice Recap: Country Strong?