When do two grunting women smacking a ball back and forth become the cutest video you’ll see all month? When those two grunting women are watched by a pair of adorable kittens. With respect to Serena Williams, Roger Federer and the beauty of professional tennis, the focus of the following clip is on the pets viewing this impressive sport, as they sit mesmerized by the action in front of them… Cats Watch Tennis
Conservative televangelist Pat Robertson is weighing in on Gen. David Petraeus’ affair with Paula Broadwell … and says he can’t really blame the guy. After all, he’s a man, and she’s really attractive. “The man’s off in a foreign land and he’s lonely and here’s a good looking lady throwing herself at him. I mean, he’s a man,” Robertson said in an interview. He continued describing Paula Broadwell : “She is an extremely good looking woman. She is a marathon runner. She runs Iron Man triathlons. So she’s out running with him and writing a biography.” “I think the term is ‘propinquity.'” Propinquity roughly translates to “proximity” … so essentially the devout Christian Robertson is excusing an extramarital affair based on a hot chick being nearby. At least if she runs Iron Man triathlons. Endurance, baby. Broadwell’s affair with Petraeus came to light after threatening emails she wrote to Jill Kelley – another hot chick – were brought to the attention of the FBI. Kelley denies she and Petraeus were involved, but they were friends, and Broadwell evidently thought there was something going on and told her to step off. Married for 37 years to Holly Petraeus , David resigned as CIA director Friday in a surprising scandal that continues to take new, strange turns by the day.
I’m hearing that Selena Gomez is eighteen now so I can finally say she’s hot. Is this true or is this some sort of elaborate internet trap? That guy from Dateline better not show up at my house again, mother has a huge crush on him and I don’t need to see her inappropriately throw herself at him twice. Anyhow, whatever her age she looks pretty good at the Teen Choice Awards last night. I guess the fact that she’s at awards for teenagers should be a red flag, but she’s hot, and I mean that in the most wholesome way possible. Enjoy.