Tag Archives: review-the-week

Lady Problems: Get Thee Behind Me, Satan/Dustin Hoffman

Lady Problems is a weekly column that looks at how the entertainment industry — and its corresponding culture and constituents — is treating women in a given week. (Hint: It will almost always be “poorly.”) Every Friday, we’ll review the week’s most significant woman-centric conflicts, then provide a brilliant solution to each problem that nobody… Read more »

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Lady Problems: Get Thee Behind Me, Satan/Dustin Hoffman

Movieline’s Week in Review: Precious Bodily Fluids

If ever there were a time I wished we could review the week in 3D, this would be it. Culture flew at us every which way from every possible… ugh, I can’t even talk about it. I’m off for a pint of therapy. Drop back by for more Movieline in the days ahead, and have a great weekend!

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Movieline’s Week in Review: Precious Bodily Fluids