In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kim Kardashian hates being pregnant . Actually, that’s an understatement. The woman really, really despises every second of it, and she wants the whole world to know. Fortunately, Kim has found a way to combine her two current passions – complaining and posting revealing photos on Instagram. Yes, you’ve seen Kim Kardashian’s boobs before, but have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant? Yeah, come to think of it, she probably posted a similar pic when she was knocked up with North. But have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant and full of mucous? We think not. Kim posted the above photo earlier today, with a caption reading, “37 WEEKS x SINUS INFECTION x FLU = [frowny face Emoji]” Yes, these days it seems that Kim is accomplishing the astonishing feat of out-complaining Kanye West. Of course, she actually has reason to gripe, as she’s ben struck ill in the midst of an already-difficult pregnancy, while Kanye is presumably still pissed that Beck won a Grammy. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Pregnant Pics: Big Bump! Even Bigger Boobs! Anyway, Kim’s taken a lot of crap for complaining, and she’s even been accused of faking her pregnancy problems , but we think she’s entitled to kvetch a bit. She recently revealed that her baby is breech , and she’s admitted to suffering from delivery anxiety. She’s got real problems, and frankly, she’s not a woman who’s used to dealing with real problems. Hopefully, Yeezy will forget about his own problems long enough to buy Kim that $1 million push present she’s been asking for. View Slideshow: 11 Moments Kim Kardashian Wishes You’d Forget
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Kim Kardashian Posts Cleavage Close-Up, Complains About Feeling Like Crap