Tag Archives: rides-dolphin

Kim Kardashian Rides Dolphin, Probably Pretends Mammal is Ray J

Anxious to see Kim Kardashian get all wet and take a mammal for a ride? You need not watch the  Kim Kardashian sex tape . Instead, you can sit back and feast your eyes on the following footage, which features Kim in the water, grabbing hold of a dolphin and coasting along on its fins for a bit. Is the reality star giving us a preview of something users will be able to do in the Kim Kardashian video game ? Probably not. But check out the exciting action now anyway: Kim Kardashian Rides Dolphin Kim spent the weekend celebrating her daughter’s first birthday, posting a new photo of North West for all to see. We must admit, that little girl is pretty darn cute. She’ll probably get a kick out of seeing the above video of her mom. But let’s just hope she never surfs around too much and finds that other video of her mom. Or any of the photos below. Kim Kardashian Exposes CRAZY Cleavage! 1. Kim Kardashian: Boobs Exposed! Even for Kim Kardashian, this outfit is a tad risque. We mean… seriously?!? Wow.

See the article here:
Kim Kardashian Rides Dolphin, Probably Pretends Mammal is Ray J