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Tyler Perry visited The Monique Show and voiced how he felt about Spike Lee’s “attack” against him . Tyler Perry makes some good points about the state of the black race in general and in film, but he was wrong when he said he never saw Italians protest HBO’s award-winning mobster drama “The Sopranos.” There were lots of protests from different Italian groups who thought “The Sopranos” upheld Italian stereotypes. Tyler said of Spike Lee: “Instead of taking shots, tearing each other down how about you give me a hand brother and tell me what I need to know and maybe I can share some things with you too.” Mo’Nique invited Spike Lee on her show to end the rivalry between the two filmmakers. Tyler Perry wholeheartedly agreed, then went on to talk about his “Oprah moment.” Cornel West Says Tyler Perry & Lil Wayne, “Need To Grow” [VIDEO] Tyler Perry Versus Spike Lee?! Tyler Perry: “Spike Lee Can Go Straight To Hell”
Tyler Perry To Spike Lee: “Instead Of Taking Shots, Give Me A Hand Brother” [VIDEO]