Youtube Disney Star and part time wig-snatcher Skai Jackson addresses the origin of her now famous internet Meme and what she would like to be memed for next. Someone send this to Beyawnse and make Skai’s meme dream a reality.
Youtube Disney Star and part time wig-snatcher Skai Jackson addresses the origin of her now famous internet Meme and what she would like to be memed for next. Someone send this to Beyawnse and make Skai’s meme dream a reality.
Twitter Roasts Andrew Bynum’s Blonde Afro Free agent NBA baller Andrew Bynum has a…unique history with hair. At one point he looked like Frederick Douglass… At another, he looked like Don King… Last night, he looked like Wesley Snipes from the 1993 action thriller ‘Demolition Man’ (shoutout to Wesley Snipes, we see you roasting folks on Twitter, we don’t want no problems lol). As you might imagine, Twitter had a REAL good time with this, and you can too. All you gotta do is flip the page. Image via Twitter/Warner