Tag Archives: ron livingston

Ron Livingston Sues Over Rumors on Wiki, Facebook

Actor Ron Livingston, best known for Office Space quotes , would rather you remember him for one-liners as Peter Gibbons than other things on his Wikipedia bio. Ron is sick of people constantly changing his Wikipedia page to say he’s in a gay relationship

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Ron Livingston Sues Over Rumors on Wiki, Facebook

Miley Cyrus Tried to Underage Party in the U.S.A

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Miley Cyrus , Exclusives Miley Cyrus doesn’t hear the word “no” very often — but TMZ has learned that’s exactly what she heard when she tried to get into a club in Miami Beach Wednesday night.We spoke to multiple people connected to the 21-and-over Club LIV at the … Permalink

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Miley Cyrus Tried to Underage Party in the U.S.A