Tag Archives: royals-world

Paul Rudd Celebrates Kansas City Royals World Series Win

Back in July, when the classic movie Clueless turned 20 years old, we asked a simple question: What are the main cast members up to now ? On Sunday night, meanwhile, Paul Rudd gave us the most immediate answer: he’s on Cloud Nine. The lifelong Kansas City Royals fan didn’t just get to bear witness to his favorite team winning the World Series. He got to do it while actually in attendance at Citi Field in New York, and then he got to be doused with beer and champagne into the Kansas City locker room. The Royals defeated the Mets in five games to capture the title, shocking the sports world in the clincher by scoring two runs to tie the game in the ninth inning. They then became the first team in World Series history to score five runs in an extra inning, going on to win by a score of 7-2. “I haven’t thought about anything. I can’t even believe that I’m standing here right now. I don’t know how I snuck in,” Rudd said to reporters after the contest, adding: “I’ve been to every single World Series the Royals have been in. “It makes no sense. It makes sense that they won because they’re incredible. It makes no sense that I’m here right now, celebrating this.” So at least you can take some comfort, Mets fans. It sucks your team lost in the World Series. But it made Paul Rudd happy and, come on, is there a more universally-beloved actor out there than Paul Rudd?

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Paul Rudd Celebrates Kansas City Royals World Series Win