Tag Archives: ruling-directly

Duggar Family Prays For Nation’s "Wicked Ways" in Wake of Gay Marriage Ruling

As you’ve probably heard, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of nationwide gay marriage yesterday in a landmark decision that’s being celebrated in all 50 states. Countless celebrities have spoken out in favor of the SCOTUS decision , and president Obama hailed the ruling as a ” victory for America .” But not all public figures are pleased with yesterday’s developments. Just moments after the decision was announced, members of the famously conservative Duggar family made their feelings known with a Bible quote posted on their official Facebook page: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways,” the message reads. “Then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” While the family has not addressed the court’s ruling directly, the timing and content of the above message leaves little doubt that this is the Duggars’ way of admonishing the justices who voted in favor of gay marriage and chastising the nation for its “wicked” ways. Many of the commenters on the Duggars’ post expressed support for the family and its views, while others accused the 19 Kids and Counting clan of hypocrisy for commenting on the sexual preferences so soon after news of the Josh Duggar molestation scandal  went public. View Slideshow: Gay Marriage Gets Legalized; Celebrities React!

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Duggar Family Prays For Nation’s "Wicked Ways" in Wake of Gay Marriage Ruling