Tag Archives: says-the-image

JET Magazine to Fantasia: NOT Sorry for Photo Re-Use

Sorry, Fantasia Barrino, but JET Magazine is not sorry for its latest cover shot. The singer has landed the front of this publication in promotion of her upcoming album, “The Side Effects Of You,” but she actually defaced it on Instagram this week because the editors use a decade-old photo. “This saddens Me!!!” Fantasia screamed online. “It is clear that this picture is 10 Years Old and JET Magazine puts it on the Cover!! After I send them the NEW LOOK AND DIRECTION. . SAD!!! I WANT A PUBLIC APOLOGY FROM JET. Now im not sure if the interview is correct. SEE!! America they and use me as they crash Dummy BUT NO MORE. IF I DONT STAND FOR SOMETHING ILL FALL FOR ANYTHING.” But a rep for JET tells TMZ says the image it chose was the “most appropriate for JET’s brand and reflective of the cover story sentiment,” adding that the options sent in by Barrino didn’t meet the magazine’s “standards.” Still, JET is hoping everyone can remain friends. “JET continues to root for Fantasia’s success and encourages her fans to pick up the new issue,” the publication said in a statement.

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JET Magazine to Fantasia: NOT Sorry for Photo Re-Use

Ray J "Still Hurting" Over Whitney Houston’s Death

Ray J still keeps a photo of Whitney Houston in his phone. He says the image is helping him cope these days. “It’s just such a tough time for me,” during the Brotherhood Crusade/Mothers in Action press conference yesterday. “I’ve been through a lot in these past few weeks. I’m able to look at life in a whole different way. I always look at my phone because I got a picture of somebody I really love and it helps me through the day.” Ray J – trying to shed his reputation as the guy who filmed himself having sex with Kim Kardashian – is giving back through the Brother Crusade. He’s donated school supplies, including Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones, clothes, backpacks and notebooks via the organization. But times remain trying for the man who was dating Whitney before she died on February 12. “I’m really emotional right now and I really don’t know what to say,” he told reporters. “But I will say I love and hurt. I enjoy being around people that support me and give me a sense of peace. That’s what these kids mean to me and what the Brotherhood Crusade does for me. “The most important thing of all is that God is talking to me. God is talking to me right now, and now is the time to listen. My ears are open.”

Original post:
Ray J "Still Hurting" Over Whitney Houston’s Death