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Britney Spears Turns 35, Remains SUPER Hot

Britney Spears is no longer a spring chicken. But she's still a hot chicken… in a manner of speaking! Relive the glory days of Britney Spears via the following gallery of our most memorable (read: GORGEOUS) Britney Spears photos… 1. Old School Britney Spears Britney Spears is still so hot even after all these years. But back in the day, wow. The girl was the epitome of perfection. 2. Vintage Britney Spears, vintage edition. So, so unbelievable. 3. Britney Spears on a Swing If this shot of Britney Spears on a swing doesn’t make you want to reach for some sweet tea, we don’t know what will. 4. Best. Kiss. Ever. Britney Spears lays one on Madonna. Yes, that’s Madonna and Britney Spears (who appears to be waring a lace teddy) in an open-mouthed kiss. Let’s take a long, long, LONG look at this one, shall we? Yes. Let’s. 5. Britney Spears Gets LOW If Britney Spears has shown us anything through the years, it’s that her ability to maneuver her body interestingly on stage has never wavered. 6. Britney Spears in Rolling Stone Britney Spears in Rolling Stone, from way back in the day. The HOT day. View Slideshow

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Britney Spears Turns 35, Remains SUPER Hot