Tag Archives: scummy-flick

Bad Movies We Love: The Girl Next Door (2004)

Otherwise known as Your Honors Student Will Sacrifice His Livelihood For Porn . Holler, 2004! The Girl Next Door is one of the last horndog comedies to eschew parody and go for realism — but barely. It lives in a post-Shannon Elizabeth universe where the untouchable hottie (Elisha Cuthbert) has to be a porn star because all other options are exhausted/boring. How stupid! I’m game! And so is Timothy Olyphant, the I Am Number Four / Justified star, who plays a sleazy porn producer here. We hope to answer the following questions with today’s Bad Movie We Love: 1) Why do we like this scummy flick for oily masturbators? 2) Why is Emile Hirsch such an unconvincing loser? And 3) Most importantly: Why does Mr. Olyphant act like he’s still in Scream 2 ?

The rest is here:
Bad Movies We Love: The Girl Next Door (2004)