Amy Locane is in serious trouble with the law. The actress, who appeared on the original Melrose Place and played a small role in the 2002 movie Secretary , crashed into the side of another car in Montgomery, New Jersey on Sunday night, killing the woman in the passenger’s seat of that vehicle. The second driver involved was taken to a nearby hospital, while Locane was arrested on the spot for DUI. The New Jersey Star-Ledger reports the actress admitted to drinking several glasses of wine prior to the accident. Incredibly, Locane rear-ended another car before getting into this major crash. She fled that scene, but was followed by a driver who phoned police and said Locane was “swerving and knocking down several mailboxes.” A mother of two, Locane has been charged with second-degree vehicular homicide and third-degree assault by auto. She could face 10 years in prison if convicted.
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Amy Locane Charged with Vehicular Homicide