Tag Archives: second-sequel

You Can’t Look Away from Logan Lerman’s Awkward Korean TV Interview

Logan Lerman, arguably our most rosy-cheeked D’A rtagnan, made an appearance on a Korean talk show while promoting the new Three Musketeers at the Busan International Film Festival. Maybe the movie’s not so hot , but you’ll see in this clip that Lerman’s cute awkwardness is the best we’ve seen since Jesse Eisenberg (and not as flip). Also, the host steals Lerman’s shoes, and for some reason it’s like watching a trainwreck.

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You Can’t Look Away from Logan Lerman’s Awkward Korean TV Interview

Friday Box Office: Paranormal Activity 3 Shocks the Box Office Back to Life

The past month’s been slow at the cineplex, but you can thank Paranormal Activity 3 for giving the people what they want: graininess! The second sequel trounces everything in its path this week, especially other newcomers like The Three Musketeers and Johnny English Reborn . The tally follows.

See the rest here:
Friday Box Office: Paranormal Activity 3 Shocks the Box Office Back to Life

In Honor of ‘Threequel’ Being Removed From the Dictionary, 9 Great Threequels

Sad news today from the world of words: the Concise Oxford English Dictionary announced that its 12th edition would no longer include the word “threequel.” (Also gone, “cassette player”; weep for the ’80s.) In honor of the dearly departed “threequel” — defined as “the third film, book, event, etc. in a series; a second sequel,” it will still appear in the less concise Oxford Dictionary of English — Movieline has assembled a list of nine great third films. Click ahead to disagree with the list!

Read more:
In Honor of ‘Threequel’ Being Removed From the Dictionary, 9 Great Threequels