Tag Archives: secret-holiday

George Zimmerman Deleted from Twitter for This Post of the Day

When you get acquitted for a racist killing in a gated community that sparked this Black Lives Matter shit..with people united by wearing hoods…in gated communities…to say “this was fucking murder not self defense”… It’s always good to post nude pics of your ex who cheated on you with a guy…and pointing out he’s a dirty muslim…for your fans who I assume a black haters who wish they too could shoot black kids and get off… This guy’s a fucking joke, seriously, this is hilarious but not as hilarious as the fact that no one has killed him yet..when clearly he needs it…#florida The post George Zimmerman Deleted from Twitter for This Post of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
George Zimmerman Deleted from Twitter for This Post of the Day

Genevieve Morton Getting Vaccuumed of the Day

Genevieve Morton has been either working out every fucking day all day because she’s been fat the last 5 years and no one treated her like other fat models…even though she had fake tits..always being the second rate citizen in the fat model in the bikini model world… Or she’s getting her fat sucked out of her….and posting pics of it…because she likes to mock herself and the fact that she’s 40 and this is her last big titty shot.. I consider her a friend…a friend who helped her realize in her career she can’t be fat…but if you’re a blogger you can…lucky me… The post Genevieve Morton Getting Vaccuumed of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Read the original here:
Genevieve Morton Getting Vaccuumed of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Holiday Cheesiness For Holiday of the Day Victoria’s Secret, SFW

Victoria’s Secret non-Christmas, even though Christmas is the biggest month for them, but like all good companies, is run by Jews…put out some holiday pictures featuring their new gang of girls who are overrated but will forever have the Victoria’s Secret stamp on their chest…or next to their pussy…so they don’t need to photoshop the branding out if they decide to rent these whores out to other brands… The pictures are cheesy, the outfits are cheesy, the product low quality, fast to the mall, for the masses to consume and gift, in this maybe we’ll be VS models too, at least feel like one, for our men as we explode out of these made in china things that still smell of child blood…sweat and tears… Here’s Stella, Romee, Martha….martha martha…and Elsa…the new line-up…in some real garbage.. The post Victoria’s Secret Holiday Cheesiness For Holiday of the Day Victoria’s Secret, SFW appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Victoria’s Secret Holiday Cheesiness For Holiday of the Day Victoria’s Secret, SFW