Tag Archives: select-group

Why Titanic Works

“The movie has a big, babbling, stupid, awesome heart, and its hokiness and dopiness is central to its charm. All the great universal entertainers, the ones who moved the world rather than a select group of cultish admirers, have had a certain crazy tunnel vision to them, a total inability to see shades of gray, or understand jaundiced views of the world. (Think Michael Jackson, or Charlie Chaplin, or Steven Spielberg.) Titanic went huge — dominated the movie world, even still to this day—because it touched on basic, universally held human concepts of love and fate and time and loss. It did this in an extremely obvious way, but that’s a reason to admire it and to mock it.” [ Deadspin ]

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Why Titanic Works

Can We Use Biomimicry To Design Cities? Janine Benyus Says, Why Not?

Photo by author: Janine Benyus + InterfaceFLOR CEO Lindsey Parnell at Saf London Yesterday in a sunny corner of London, a select group of UK journalists, myself included, were treated to an enrapturing few hours in the company of biomimicry guru Janine Benyus . The group was brought together by sustainable business pioneers InterfaceFLOR , whose long standing… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Can We Use Biomimicry To Design Cities? Janine Benyus Says, Why Not?