Tag Archives: water conservation

U.S. Border Crossing to Become Wastewater-Recycling Living Machine

Image: Worrell Water Technologies Enter the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry on the Mexican border, and you’ll never know just by looking around that you’re walking through a “living machine” wastewater recycling system. But when installation is complete, a custom-designed system will treat and recycle wastewater on site, reducing “generation of wastewater and demand for potable water, while increasing the local aquifer recharge,” according to the company that designed the system, Worrell Water Technologies…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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U.S. Border Crossing to Become Wastewater-Recycling Living Machine

How to Build a DIY Natural Swimming Pool (Video)

Image credit: Permaculture Media We already know that swimming pools are a huge suck on natural resources , not to mention a possible source of allergies . But from Brooklyn’s repurposed dumpster pools to

How to Build a DIY Natural Swimming Pool (Video)

Rebranding Poop as a Resource – The Poop Project

Image credit: The Poop Project Whether looking at the selective flush and letting it mellow or recycling our poop for sustainable farming , it’s no secret that I believe rethinking the way we handle our bodily waste—both human and animal—is one of the most urgent tasks facing humankind. So when commenter The Puru left a note on my review about

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Rebranding Poop as a Resource – The Poop Project

Experimental Furniture Made from Waste Sugar Cane Fiber Bagasse (Photos)

All images via Designboom We’re intrigued by these experimental furniture pieces recently seen on Designboom . Made by Taiwanese design students Chen Wei-Che and Chung Yo-Hsun this chair and table are made from the waste sugarcane fibre bagasse. Now we’ve seen bagasse used to make disposable cutlery and plates and even as a

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Experimental Furniture Made from Waste Sugar Cane Fiber Bagasse (Photos)

Ecomachines Use Plants and Animals for Low Impact Water Treatment (Video)

Image credit: John Todd Ecological Dr John Todd’s work creating living machines, or ecomachines, as a form of natural water treatment has long been of interest to TreeHugger. Back in 2005 Collin interviewed Dr Todd about his views on ecological design , and we celebrated when this pioneer of clean water won the Buckminster Fuller challenge award . But it’s been a while since we’ve posted any… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Ecomachines Use Plants and Animals for Low Impact Water Treatment (Video)

Visible Shower Tank Helps Visualize Water Use

Images via Yanko Design Usually water-saving design concepts for showers are some sort of electronic gadget that makes your water use visible — by showing how much you’re using, how much of an impact you’re making on the planet with your water footprint , or scoring you on reducing your environmental footprint. However, this shower concept simplifies conservation by showing you your water use in the most literal sense. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Visible Shower Tank Helps Visualize Water Use

100-Year-Old Belgian Tree Is World’s Most Social Media Savvy Plant

Image via Facebook This is begging for a “You know you’re a treehugger if…” joke, the punchline being “if you have a tree as your friend on Facebook.” And there is a century-old tree in Belgium that can fit the bill. It is actually a very social media-savvy tree, with a Twitter stream and Flickr account. It is actually part of a really cool project that brings the life of a tree into the same daily buzz as our human lives, including leaf-eye views of what it “sees” every day. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

100-Year-Old Belgian Tree Is World’s Most Social Media Savvy Plant

What To Do With Unused Pills? Give Them To The DEA This Saturday

photo via stoptherobbery.com Recently, I found out I am allergic to penicillin. I’ve taken penicillin for over two decades, when prescribed, but my allergic reaction only manifested this week. So now I have what is a common conundrum: a bottle full of useless (to me) pills sitting in my medicine cabinet. I’ve been wondering what to do with them. TreeHugger’s Jaymi Heimbuch wrote about this problem with her aunt’s unused medication back in the spring. Due to regulations, pill… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the rest here:
What To Do With Unused Pills? Give Them To The DEA This Saturday

‘Turn That Tap Off or the Goldfish Gets It!’

The Poor Little Fishbowl Sink in action. Photo via Yan Lu . When I first moved to Turkey, a country not particularly known for its environmental awareness, I was struck by the stark choice my bank’s ATMs presented me with when asking if I wanted a receipt at the end of a transaction. Next to the “Hayır” (No) button, there was a cartoon image of a healthy forest. Next to the “Evet” (Yes) button, a pile of tree… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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‘Turn That Tap Off or the Goldfish Gets It!’

Will President Obama Put Free Solar Panels on the White House Roof?

You’d put solar panels on your roof if they were free, but will President Obama. “It’s complicated,” the White House responded when Bill McKibben and 350.org asked if they’d install the panels Sungevity agreed to donate . To hopeful… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Will President Obama Put Free Solar Panels on the White House Roof?