Tag Archives: water conservation

How California Can Save 1 Million Acre-Feet of Water On The Cheap

Photo via PhillipC The Pacific Institute has released a new report titled “California’s Next Million Acre-Feet: Saving Water, Energy and Money that outlines the steps the state can take to come up with its next one million acre-feet of water. All of it would be relatively easy and a whole lot cheaper than trying to drum up even more fresh water out of a dried-out state — even cheaper than surface storage projects. The steps all involve existing technology and a l… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How California Can Save 1 Million Acre-Feet of Water On The Cheap

Waterless Urinals Introduced for Home Use

Sami and I have been preoccupied with pee for a long time, wondering why we don’t have urinals in our homes. After all, they use a lot less water than a toilet and are probably more sanitary as it is harder to miss. Now the Waterless Company, inventor of the waterless urinal, has introduced a smaller and cheaper model that is suitable for the home. The President tells Alex Wilson at Green Building Advisor that if there are two males in the… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Waterless Urinals Introduced for Home Use

Does America Have a Water Crisis? (Video)

Video via OrganicNation.tv This post was written by Dorothée Royal-Hedinger, founder of

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Does America Have a Water Crisis? (Video)

Centuries-Old State of the Art Still Useful Today

The 2,000-year-old aqueduct system found in the Turkish town of Patara would have met current engineering standards. Photo by Jennifer Hattam Outside the southeastern Turkish city of Mardin lie the 6th-century ruins of the Roman settlement of Dara, with its cliff-carved tombs and cool, vaulted cisterns . But perhaps most impressive is the series of rock channels that served as an early water-treatment plant, allowing dirt and… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Centuries-Old State of the Art Still Useful Today

The Courtesy Flush Stinks: Bathroom Etiquette Gone Wrong

Image credit: Image Shack Ever feel like you live in a parallel universe? From the selective flush , to the slightly less controversial shared flush , I thought I had covered all the options for alternative toilet flushing methodologies. Heck, I’ve even looked at using no flush at all . But, thanks to tipster Nathan, I’m no… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Courtesy Flush Stinks: Bathroom Etiquette Gone Wrong

Study Says Drug Manufacturing Facilities are Source of Drugs in Drinking Water

U.S. Geological Survey hydrologic technicians collect a stream sample from Hallocks Mill Brook downstream of the outfall of one of the wastewater treatment plants investigated. Photo courtesy of USGS. Guest bloggers Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer are co-founders of NaturallySavvy.com . A five-year study conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers has found that pharmaceutical manufact… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Study Says Drug Manufacturing Facilities are Source of Drugs in Drinking Water

UK’s First Desalination Plant Opens on Thames to Quench Londoners’ Thirst

Photo by Jaymi Heimbuch The Thames has come a long way from the polluted mess it once was just a few years ago. Clean-up efforts have been so successful, even fragile and fickle seahorses have returned . Now, the citizens of London can even drink the river water, thanks to a new desalination plant that has just opened up. It is the United Kingdom’s first desal plant, and while it will provide the city with much needed drinking water, desalination is not withou… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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UK’s First Desalination Plant Opens on Thames to Quench Londoners’ Thirst

Can We Use Biomimicry To Design Cities? Janine Benyus Says, Why Not?

Photo by author: Janine Benyus + InterfaceFLOR CEO Lindsey Parnell at Saf London Yesterday in a sunny corner of London, a select group of UK journalists, myself included, were treated to an enrapturing few hours in the company of biomimicry guru Janine Benyus . The group was brought together by sustainable business pioneers InterfaceFLOR , whose long standing… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Can We Use Biomimicry To Design Cities? Janine Benyus Says, Why Not?