Tag Archives: perhaps-most

Epic Damon Lindelof Interview Chronicles His Prometheus Journey With Ridley Scott

Kevin Pollak’s highly entertaining and extremely long The Kevin Pollak Chat Show invited on screenwriter Damon Lindelof and allowed him to monologue freely about Star Trek , Cowboys & Aliens , and — perhaps most notably — working with Ridley Scott on Prometheus , and how the film relates to Scott’s seminal sci-fi work. If this show weren’t so damn intoxicating, it might’ve been a chore to get to the Alien(s) -related story. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Full transcription and video after the jump.

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Epic Damon Lindelof Interview Chronicles His Prometheus Journey With Ridley Scott

Centuries-Old State of the Art Still Useful Today

The 2,000-year-old aqueduct system found in the Turkish town of Patara would have met current engineering standards. Photo by Jennifer Hattam Outside the southeastern Turkish city of Mardin lie the 6th-century ruins of the Roman settlement of Dara, with its cliff-carved tombs and cool, vaulted cisterns . But perhaps most impressive is the series of rock channels that served as an early water-treatment plant, allowing dirt and… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Centuries-Old State of the Art Still Useful Today

Adam Lambert’s X-Rated AMA Performance

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2009/11/23/ad… He did it all: grabbed a woman's crotch, dragged another female dancer around by her leg, made out with an androgynous keyboardist and — perhaps most shockingly — simulated a certain sex act with a male dancer. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment