Tag Archives: ray stevenson

Epic Damon Lindelof Interview Chronicles His Prometheus Journey With Ridley Scott

Kevin Pollak’s highly entertaining and extremely long The Kevin Pollak Chat Show invited on screenwriter Damon Lindelof and allowed him to monologue freely about Star Trek , Cowboys & Aliens , and — perhaps most notably — working with Ridley Scott on Prometheus , and how the film relates to Scott’s seminal sci-fi work. If this show weren’t so damn intoxicating, it might’ve been a chore to get to the Alien(s) -related story. Fortunately, that’s not the case. Full transcription and video after the jump.

Go here to see the original:
Epic Damon Lindelof Interview Chronicles His Prometheus Journey With Ridley Scott

VIDEO: Jon Favreau Interviews Harrison Ford for Cowboys & Aliens

As evidenced by Jon Favreau ‘s old talk show Dinner for Five , the guy likes to shoot the shit with people, and he’s pretty good at it. So as a means of promoting his upcoming Cowboys and Aliens , he sat down to do a series of behind-the-scenes interviews with his cast himself. After the jump, watch Favreau and star Harrison Ford talk costuming, Star Wars ad-libs, Ford’s Han Solo audition, and more in the first interviews of the series.

More here:
VIDEO: Jon Favreau Interviews Harrison Ford for Cowboys & Aliens

New Trailer for The Three Musketeers Looks Patently Ridiculous

You’ll read a lot in the coming 48 hours about how Michael Bay is the scourge of the Earth, Transformers: Dark of the Moon is the dumbest movie of the summer, and the fact that it will make money only proves audiences are stupid. One retort for those of you who actually like Dark of the Moon ? At least it isn’t The Three Musketeers . Click ahead to watch the latest trailer for his Alexandre Dumas “adaptation.”

See the article here:
New Trailer for The Three Musketeers Looks Patently Ridiculous