Tag Archives: the-slightly

Ivone Viana Bikini Pictures

Here’s Portuguese hottie and soccer wife Ivone Viana at the beach, showing off a killer bikini body to go with all those tattoos. These damn soccer players always have the hottest wives and I just don’t get it, what do they have that I don’t? You know, besides the millions of dollars, thousands of fans, and a job as a professional athlete. I know, it doesn’t make any sense to me either. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews , Fameflynet

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Ivone Viana Bikini Pictures

Tamara Ecclestone Bikini Pictures

Well guys, today’s a sad day. Because here’s the woman with the million dollar rack Tamara Ecclestone on her honeymoon with some ridiculously lucky bastard. Hopefully seeing her in a bikini will cheer you guys up a little though. And sorry for the slightly blurry shots. Given her love of paparazzi, I can’t believe Tamara didn’t invite them along on the honeymoon with her. Photos: Fameflynet

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Tamara Ecclestone Bikini Pictures

Tamara Ecclestone Bikini Pictures

Well guys, today’s a sad day. Because here’s the woman with the million dollar rack Tamara Ecclestone on her honeymoon with some ridiculously lucky bastard. Hopefully seeing her in a bikini will cheer you guys up a little though. And sorry for the slightly blurry shots. Given her love of paparazzi, I can’t believe Tamara didn’t invite them along on the honeymoon with her. Photos: Fameflynet

Tamara Ecclestone Bikini Pictures

CyanogenMod’s new mascot, Cid, gets his own start-up animation


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Equal parts creepy and adorable, CyanogenMod’s new character has been gifted his first big appearance, in his own animation for the Android modder platform of choice. Cid (that’s short for CyanogenMod ID) will replace the slightly overfamiliar skateboarding Android icon when you turn on your now tinkered-with gadget. Gaze at his sweetly-sinister glow right after the break. Continue reading CyanogenMod’s… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Engadget Discovery Date : 04/06/2012 08:00 Number of articles : 2

CyanogenMod’s new mascot, Cid, gets his own start-up animation

Puss in Boots is Eastwood-esque and 8 More Revelations About the Shrek Spin-Off

DreamWorks Animation’s Shrek spinoff Puss in Boots is racing into theaters on Friday, a week earlier than originally scheduled. Director Chris Miller and voice cast including Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and Zach Galifianakis joked their way through a press conference over the weekend, and Movieline was there to bring you some of the slightly more serious communiqués from the PIB team:

The rest is here:
Puss in Boots is Eastwood-esque and 8 More Revelations About the Shrek Spin-Off

REVIEW: Channing Tatum Can’t Seem to Fly in The Eagle Despite Help from Jamie Bell

In period films, it always helps to have someone built to carry a sword, and Channing Tatum clearly hasn’t missed a workout for the past two years so he fits the bill in that regard. What he’s missing in The Eagle is that spark of the insane — the slightly lunatic fever that makes us unable to keep our eyes off him. Instead, he’s so distant, he looks slightly baked. It’s supposed to be a combination of the thousand-yard-stare and lost in a state of continual flashback that director Kevin Macdonald cuts to reveal Tatum’s “Inner Pain.” Instead, the star seems irritated that his buzz will burn off before a new batch of edibles arrives.

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REVIEW: Channing Tatum Can’t Seem to Fly in The Eagle Despite Help from Jamie Bell

The Courtesy Flush Stinks: Bathroom Etiquette Gone Wrong

Image credit: Image Shack Ever feel like you live in a parallel universe? From the selective flush , to the slightly less controversial shared flush , I thought I had covered all the options for alternative toilet flushing methodologies. Heck, I’ve even looked at using no flush at all . But, thanks to tipster Nathan, I’m no… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Courtesy Flush Stinks: Bathroom Etiquette Gone Wrong

Tisha Campbell-Martin Welcomes Baby #2!

It’s a boy for Tisha Campbell-Martin! The actress and husband Duane Martin welcomed son Ezekiel Czar Martin at 10:20 a.m. Tuesday in Los Angeles. The baby, who wasn’t due until the 21st, weighed in at 9 lbs., 9 oz and is 23 inches long, and joins big brother Xen, 8, at home

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Tisha Campbell-Martin Welcomes Baby #2!