Tag Archives: selfies-or-fake

Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld flashing her pussy – or what may be her pussy is a huge deal – if you care about Hailee Steinfeld… LA born and raised child star from TRUE GRIT, that perverts everywhere have been watching as she turns herself into a popstar…because popstars make more money than actors…. She’s actually looking fitter than usual, a little less fat, because at one point in time she was a big girl….but now she’s a girl I am watching in GIF..over an over…to see if I see labia…mainly because I’m pathetic and have very little else to do with my time. I guess I could go to Facebook and write Trump statuses with everyone else…because that’s not getting boring as fuck… Here’s the original…I don’t think you can see vag. A video posted by hailee steinfeld (@haileesteinfeld) on Nov 10, 2016 at 10:02pm PST The post Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Is that a Hailee Steinfeld Pussy Flash of the Day

The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day

In silly Taylor Swift news….she’s suing some radio DJ from Denver for grabbing her ass while posing for a photo. His name is DJ David Mueller and the claim is that he “reached up under my skirt and grabbed my ass right when I was having to pose for a photo.” This is the picture that Taylor Swift was trying to keep private, despite it being the evidence in the lawsuit…. Now I’ve grabbed my fair share of asses that didn’t ask to be grabbed, the most famous one being Lady Gaga’s ass many years ago – before she was famous – but she was in a leotard in a VIP booth at a club I was at – and I just couldn’t help myself from reaching in and being a full creeper….I was drunk and I was trying to get her attention and she didn’t even notice, it was a great ass and her security didn’t notice, so I didn’t get my ass kicked….or sued for sexual harassment… I didn’t do it for sexual reasons, I never really assault girls like that, so I realize how creepy that kind of thing is to do, I’ve grown since then and I’d never grab an ass unless I was paying 10 dollars a song to do it….so if I was this close to Taylor Swift, I’d be more inclined to throw semen at her vagina hoping it stuck to make me well funded babies…even though the rumor is she’s already pregnant – not sure who the father is – because she likes to fuck….just not low level radio DJ creeps. I hope they give him the chair….because women’s rights…in this feminist era has no room for pussy grabbing – just because your president claims when you’re rich and famous you can grab them by the pussy – because you can….and if you’ve seen a girl around someone she thinks is amazing – like a DJ, bartender, celebrity, etc…you’ll know….just last weekend – there was this 20 year old babe in a cleavage revealing shirt working the bartender, with half her tit hanging out….just like that…half tit exposed…and she knew it…she just wanted him to know it…because girls are the predators….just not to dudes they want nothing to with….like Me! Point of the story is – don’t grab random ass…there are plenty of willing girls who want their asses grabbed…focus on them. Via TMZ The post The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Taylor Swift Ass Grab Photo of the Day

Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day

Ariel Winter is in Mexico – and she’s decided to do 2 back to back ass posts on social media – high concept shameless butt shots because she obviously loves her ass, and wants to show off her ass…and people must be giving her ass a lot of love and attention affirming that she should continue to post ass pics …because if you spend any time on social media, you’ll know it’s all about slutty pics, selfies or fake photoshoots, every girl gets half naked…and this one, I guess felt liberated at 18 from whatever contracts that bound her – creating this New Zealand Tsunami of slutty half naked pics…it’s what the kids are into – it’s what they want… I generally find her terrifying to look at, but I didn’t watch her tits form on that TV show, I just know about her from her social media hustle, but the nice thing about 18 year old ass – is that even if you know it’s chubby – and going to be sloppy as fuck – the collagen in their skin – keeps everything that may one day be terrifying – perky and firm…so it’s not as bad as it could be…and that’s all I have to say about that. The post Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Ariel Winter’s Ass Show of the Day

Lea Michele Does Instagram Modeling of the Day

Lea Michele posted some slutty selfies / instagram caliber erotica – that is so lame – but is still a celeb on all fours being suggestive for attention. It’s being competitive in this changing landscape of media. Interesting…because the celebrities from pre-social media fame – were probably as thirsty as social media people or maybe their parents were – which is how they got on TV in the first place…building them up into the puppets they are…the shell of a human that wants to be used by writers, directors and producers to have a successful show..and fame… So it’s only natural that they’d channel what’s trendy or popular on social media, even though someone like me, who finds slutty pics low level, or low hanging fruit, not that I hate looking at all these slutty selfies or fake photoshoots, but I do think they lack substance, a story and that they should be left for the thirsty girls trying to make it. I believe that those who have millions of dollars should be higher brow – or someone that we don’t see like this so that when they do get like this – maybe in a movie or something – we can get excited about seeing the half naked like “OMG LOOK AT THAT SLUT FROM TV, SHE IS IN HER UNDERWEAR”….not that I’d get like that over Lea Michelle…because Lea Michele isn’t all that hot, for the first 4 years of her career I assumed she was a dude, but like all other girls on instagram, she’s managed to capture a moment that is starting to get boring because they happen so much – all day – every day – but that you can’t hate on – because even if it’s shameless self promotion…it’s erotica, softcore porn erotica, with little takeaway- but who needs a takeaway…. I guess these girls, are just girls, and love the attention of being half naked – pretend it is empowering, like feeling sexy and pose the fuck out of it – only to give it away for free…all to grow their audience, feel good about themselves, who fucking knows…but Lea Michele is doing it…. The post Lea Michele Does Instagram Modeling of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Lea Michele Does Instagram Modeling of the Day