Tag Archives: senate-banking

A World Upside Down? Deficit Fantasies in the Great Recession

Robert Johnson: Austerity and stagnation real risk to debt-to-GDP ratio. Bio Dr. Robert A. Johnson – Executive Director of The Institute New Economic Thinking (INET). Dr. Johnson served on the United Nations Commission of Experts on International Monetary Reform under the Chairmanship of Joseph Stiglitz. He is also the Director of Economic Policy for the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute (FERI) in New York. Dr. Johnson was previously a managing director at Soros Fund Management where he managed a global currency, bond and equity portfolio specializing in emerging markets. Prior to that time, Johnson was a managing director of Bankers Trust Company managing a global currency fund. He also served as Chief Economist of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee under the leadership of Chairman William Proxmire (D. Wisconsin) and before that, he was Senior Economist of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee under the leadership of Chairman Pete Domenici (R. New Mexico). added by: treewolf39

Social Engineering Bill In Senate

A social engineering bill to restrict residence in the suburbs and rural areas and force Americans into city centers has passed the United States Senate Banking Committee and is on the fast track to passage in the Senate. The bill is called the Livable Communities Act (SB 1619) and it was introduced by corruptocrat outgoing Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). It seeks to fulfill the United Nation’s plan Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and signed onto by “New World Order” President George H.W. Bush. This bill is designed to destroy your community. According to the non-profit American Policy Center the bill: • Is a blueprint for the transformation of our society into total Federal control. • Will enforce Federal Sustainable Development zoning and control of local communities. • Will create a massive new “development” bureaucracy. • Will drive up the cost of energy to heat and cool your home. • Will drive up the cost of gasoline as a way to get you out of your car. • Will force you to spend thousands of dollars on your home in order to comply. A carrot and stick policy will be used to get your local government to sign on. The carrot is billions of dollars in grants available if your local government agrees to amend zoning laws that restrict housing in outlying areas, forcing people to give up their homes and land and move into the city center. The stick will be denial of the funds and bad publicity generated by “Green” organizations criticizing government officials for turning down free money. The rub is the grants will come with strings attached that force local governments to bend to the will of the Feds. The idea of these social engineering initiatives is to force people to live in a congested area in high rise buildings with housing on the upper floors and stores on the bottom. The whole area will be linked by mass transit creating the “utopian” communities loved by socialists. The result will be higher costs for housing (because overcrowding will make housing space a premium) and goods and services (because of less choice and competition) and less freedom to move about (because cars won’t be necessary and parking space will be prohibitively expensive). As we pointed out here President Barack Obama is — not surprisingly — an advocate of this type of nonsense. And his cabinet is populated by elitists who think they know better than you how you should live. It is imperative that you call your two Senators immediately and tell them to oppose Dodd’s SB1619. http://www.personalliberty.com/conservative-politics/liberty/social-engineering-… Library Of Congress http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c111 :1:./temp/~c111C4MupU:e7553: added by: ReverandG