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After vehemently insisting that his Twitter account had been hacked when a lewd photo was sent to one of his female followers, Congressman Anthony Weiner has now come clean . During a press conference today he admitted that he did send the photos and that they were of him. While a politician admitting to cheating on his wife is hardly shocking we wanted to give Rep Weiner some parting songs to add to his iPod while he shops around for that apology ring. 5. “Caught Out There” By Kelis With a name like Weiner you really can’t afford to let pics like that get out there. 4. “Cheatin” by Little Brother “You was cheatin, caught you creepin…to the window to the walls skeet-skeetin…” 3. “Busted” by The Isley Brothers F/JS This is proof positive that old people should stay off of Twitter. 2. “Take A Bow” By Rihanna This man put on quite a performance and looks really dumb right now. 1. “The Whisper Song” by The Yin Yang Twinz “Wait’ll you see my ….” Pretty much says it all.