Tag Archives: seretha-guinn

Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

So much for Matt Farmer being crowned the American Idol Season 12 champion. Following a successful audition in Long Beach, Farmer has come out and admitted that he’s one giant liar. That whole tale he told? About being injured in an IED explosion in Iraq? And being diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury? And how the medication he was assigned would supposedly make him sterile, until he ended up fathering a daughter named Cadence who joined him in front of the judges? LIE, LIE, LIE. Matt Farmer American Idol Audition “It was ALL lies,” Farmer admitted to GuardianOfValor.com. “I in fact HAVE lied since a younger age and had a problem with it… “I am EXTREAMLY remorseful and VERY upset that I allowed myself to take from the hard work of the guys that i was deployed with among others. To think that I would go on a national TV show and get away with continuing a lie so big, and so deeply imbedded in my lfe [sic] and brain … Is rediculous [sic]. “Hindsight is always 20/20 … To EVERYONE but more importantly the men I served with, I AM DEEPLY REGRETFUL AND SORRY … I at no time was a sniper, was never deployed to Afghanistan, did a single tour in Iraq, and was never at any time hit or wounded by an IED” Farmer, as you might expect, has been booted from the competition. So that’s one fewer person early favorites such as Ja’Bria Barber and Seretha Guinn need to worry about.

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Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

So much for Matt Farmer being crowned the American Idol Season 12 champion. Following a successful audition in Long Beach, Farmer has come out and admitted that he’s one giant liar. That whole tale he told? About being injured in an IED explosion in Iraq? And being diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury? And how the medication he was assigned would supposedly make him sterile, until he ended up fathering a daughter named Cadence who joined him in front of the judges? LIE, LIE, LIE. Matt Farmer American Idol Audition “It was ALL lies,” Farmer admitted to GuardianOfValor.com. “I in fact HAVE lied since a younger age and had a problem with it… “I am EXTREAMLY remorseful and VERY upset that I allowed myself to take from the hard work of the guys that i was deployed with among others. To think that I would go on a national TV show and get away with continuing a lie so big, and so deeply imbedded in my lfe [sic] and brain … Is rediculous [sic]. “Hindsight is always 20/20 … To EVERYONE but more importantly the men I served with, I AM DEEPLY REGRETFUL AND SORRY … I at no time was a sniper, was never deployed to Afghanistan, did a single tour in Iraq, and was never at any time hit or wounded by an IED” Farmer, as you might expect, has been booted from the competition. So that’s one fewer person early favorites such as Ja’Bria Barber and Seretha Guinn need to worry about.

Go here to see the original:
Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

So much for Matt Farmer being crowned the American Idol Season 12 champion. Following a successful audition in Long Beach, Farmer has come out and admitted that he’s one giant liar. That whole tale he told? About being injured in an IED explosion in Iraq? And being diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury? And how the medication he was assigned would supposedly make him sterile, until he ended up fathering a daughter named Cadence who joined him in front of the judges? LIE, LIE, LIE. Matt Farmer American Idol Audition “It was ALL lies,” Farmer admitted to GuardianOfValor.com. “I in fact HAVE lied since a younger age and had a problem with it… “I am EXTREAMLY remorseful and VERY upset that I allowed myself to take from the hard work of the guys that i was deployed with among others. To think that I would go on a national TV show and get away with continuing a lie so big, and so deeply imbedded in my lfe [sic] and brain … Is rediculous [sic]. “Hindsight is always 20/20 … To EVERYONE but more importantly the men I served with, I AM DEEPLY REGRETFUL AND SORRY … I at no time was a sniper, was never deployed to Afghanistan, did a single tour in Iraq, and was never at any time hit or wounded by an IED” Farmer, as you might expect, has been booted from the competition. So that’s one fewer person early favorites such as Ja’Bria Barber and Seretha Guinn need to worry about.

Go here to see the original:
Matt Farmer Booted from American Idol for BS War Story

American Idol Auditions: The Best So Far

The early American Idol auditions have finally come to an end. With Steven Tyler in drag . Yeah. It’s nice to be moving on to Hollywood. But before we pick up and head to California, let’s take a look at the best acts we’ve seen so far, shall we? Might one of the following be our next American Idol? Brunell Taylor, who was relocated due to Katrina and Charlie Askew, both of whom tried out in Louisiana: Burnell Taylor American Idol Audition Charlie Askew American Idol Audition Ja’Bria Barber, a wonder at 16; and Ashley Smith, who made Carrie Underwood proud with “Cowboy Casanova” in Charlotte: Ja’Bria Barber American Idol Audition Ashley Smith American Idol Audition Seretha Guinn, who sang the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song; and Lazaro Arbos, who stutters when he talks but amazes when he sings: Seretha Guinn American Idol Audition Lazaro Arbos American Idol Audition Tenna Torres, who attended Mariah Carey fantasy camp; and Frankie Ford, who sings in the NYC subway system: Tenna Torres – American Idol Audition Frankie Ford – American Idol Audition WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SO FAR?

Excerpt from:
American Idol Auditions: The Best So Far

American Idol Auditions: The Best So Far

The early American Idol auditions have finally come to an end. With Steven Tyler in drag . Yeah. It’s nice to be moving on to Hollywood. But before we pick up and head to California, let’s take a look at the best acts we’ve seen so far, shall we? Might one of the following be our next American Idol? Brunell Taylor, who was relocated due to Katrina and Charlie Askew, both of whom tried out in Louisiana: Burnell Taylor American Idol Audition Charlie Askew American Idol Audition Ja’Bria Barber, a wonder at 16; and Ashley Smith, who made Carrie Underwood proud with “Cowboy Casanova” in Charlotte: Ja’Bria Barber American Idol Audition Ashley Smith American Idol Audition Seretha Guinn, who sang the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song; and Lazaro Arbos, who stutters when he talks but amazes when he sings: Seretha Guinn American Idol Audition Lazaro Arbos American Idol Audition Tenna Torres, who attended Mariah Carey fantasy camp; and Frankie Ford, who sings in the NYC subway system: Tenna Torres – American Idol Audition Frankie Ford – American Idol Audition WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SO FAR?

See the rest here:
American Idol Auditions: The Best So Far