Tag Archives: sexual-health

Just What The Doctor Ordered: The 5 Health Benefits Of An Orgasm


It turns out that a sexual climax, while not essential for a good sex life, is more than just a toe-curling release; it’s also pretty healthy.

Just What The Doctor Ordered: The 5 Health Benefits Of An Orgasm

Must Be Nice: Study Shows That A Large Number Of Women Achieve “The Big O” While Exercising At The Gym!

If any of you ladies ever needed a “helping hand” to help keep you “pumped” in the gym, here ya go… Women may not need a guy, a vibrator, or any other direct sexual stimulation to have an “O”, finds a new study on exercise-induced “O’s” and sexual pleasure. The findings add qualitative and quantitative data to a field that has been largely unstudied, according to researcher Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University. For instance, Alfred Kinsey and his colleagues first reported the phenomenon in 1953, saying that about 5 percent of women they had interviewed mentioned “O’s” linked to physical exercise. However, they couldn’t know the actual prevalence because most of these women volunteered the information without being directly asked. Since then, reports of so-called “coregasms,” named because of their seeming link to exercises for core abdominal muscles, have circulated in the media for years, according to the researchers. “Despite attention in the popular media, little is known scientifically about exercise-induced “O’s”, the researchers write in a special issue of the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy released in print this month. Herbenick and her colleagues used online surveys to gather their data, which included answers from 124 women who had experienced exercise-induced “O’s” and 246 women who reported exercise-induced sexual pleasure. Most of the women, ages 18 to 63 and an average age of 30, were in a relationship or married and 69 percent said they were heterosexual. Here’s the juicy stuff… The researchers found that about 40 percent of both groups of women had experienced exercise-induced pleasure or “O’s” on more than 11 occasions in their lives. Most of the women in the “O” group said they felt some level of embarrassment when exercising in public places. The “O” group mostly said during the experiences they weren’t having a sexual fantasy or thinking about someone they were attracted to. Of the women who had “O’s” during exercise, about 45 percent said their first experience was linked to abdominal exercises; 19 percent linked to biking/spinning; 9.3 percent linked to climbing poles or ropes; 7 percent reported a connection with weight lifting; 7 percent running; the rest of the first-time experiences included various exercises, such as yoga, swimming, elliptical machines, aerobics and others. Exercise-induced sexual pleasure was linked with more types of exercises than the “O” phenomenon. Ladies, keep it 100, have you ever had a “Big O” while you were doin’ Kanye’s workout plan? Random Sidebar: Is THIS why “she” wasn’t with “him” shooting in the gym?? Source More On Bossip! Which World Class Athlete Is Chopping This Slovakian Chick Down???? Millionaire Mentality: 7 Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires Baller Cribs: Wanna See Kevin Durant’s Seattle Home On The Market For $2.799M??? [Photos] Girls Gone Wild: The 10 Skankiest Spring Break Spots

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Must Be Nice: Study Shows That A Large Number Of Women Achieve “The Big O” While Exercising At The Gym!

Over 50s urged to practise safe sex

http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/over-50s-urged-to-practise-safe-sex/story-e… BRITISH baby boomers are being urged to practice safe sex after new figures showed an alarming rise in sexually transmitted infections among the over-50s. Health charity Family Planning Association has launched a national campaign using fashion adverts from the 1960s and '70s to encourage members of the baby boomer generation to use condoms, The Independent reports. The campaign posters bear the phrase: “Remember wearing this?”, next to an image of someone posing in an outfit from the period, adding: “Then remember to wear this” beside an image of a condom packet. Recent figures from the Health Protection Agency show a rise in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s having sex with new partners over the past 10 years. That trend has led to an increase in the five main sexually transmitted infections in those age groups. People aged between 45 and 64 had the biggest rise in syphilis, herpes, chlamydia and genital warts between 2000 and 2009. They also had the second biggest rise in gonorrhea cases, beaten only the the over 65s. An FPA spokeswoman said people in these age groups commonly made the mistake of thinking that sexual health issues would not affect them, so STIs were making a comeback in a new generation. “The oldest caller to our helpline was an 82-year-old man starting a new relationship,” she said. “Some people are coming out of relationships and dating again. Some have always been single. And many over 50s are enjoying fantastic sex and finding new love at this point in their lives.” added by: eden49