Tag Archives: sexual-shaming

Kim K Freaky Flick Snapshot Waved On Banner During Yeezy’s Glastonbury Show… Can Hoeness Ever Be Deleted???

Kim K Sex Tape Banner Waved At Kanye’s Glastonbury Show Prompts Debate Over Sexual Shaming Poor Kimmy Cakes ! The girl can’t win for nothing. Over the weekend yet another reminder of her sexual past with Ray J was waved in front of the masses. But maybe she can still win, because the incident prompted at least one writer to question why we can’t all be allowed to give our pasts behind — including Kim K. Check out excerpts from her argument via the UK Telegraph : At Glastonbury on Saturday, a festival-goer stood in the crowd during Kanye West’s set, waving a home made banner depicting Kim Kardashian giving oral sex to her ex-boyfriend Ray-J. The image was a still taken from Kardashian’s sex tape, which was released without her consent in 2007. The banner featured the caption “Get down girl, get head get down.” – a play on the lyric “Get down girl, go head get down” from her husband West’s 2005 hit Gold Digger. So to clarify: rather than spending £230 on a Glastonbury ticket to hear music from an artist he actually liked, this person thought it would be more fun to spend his time and money making a banner of a woman performing a perfectly legal sex act with a consenting partner, and then go to watch an artist who he clearly didn’t like in an attempt to provoke a reaction. More surprising to me was the outpouring of judgement and glee as a response to the ‘slut-shaming’ banner. ‘The person who took the banner of Kim K and Ray J should be knighted’ said one. The writer goes on to argue that none of us are truly safe from being shamed… With the advent of camera phones, live video streaming and social media the ability to delete ourselves from other people’s lives is being taken away from us. Kim Kardashian made a sex tape in 2003, and despite becoming a billionaire business woman with one of the world’s strongest brands, finding love and becoming a mother, we are still somehow totally unwilling to let go of something that she did when she was 23-years-old and that she presumably thought would remain private. We all of us, billionaire reality stars or otherwise, want the right to a fresh start, free from unflattering photographic evidence of our slightly questionable choices. In times gone by, these could stay happily buried in the past (the odd incriminating love letter or grainy photo aside). Now, how many of us, who grew up with camera phones, can legitimately say that there’s absolutely no way incriminating evidence could come back to haunt us, on a banner or otherwise? Admittedly it’s more likely to be Dave in Accounts showing everyone the wonky picture of your cleavage, than a giant poster at Glastonbury: but if you’ve ever taken a scantily clad pic, the sad truth is that you’re in the same boat as Kim. Interesting. So some people still believe Kim planned on that moment with Ray J to stay private? We’re still not gonna buy that one. Just look at Mimi, riiiiiight? But there is a strong case here for allowing women to move on from their pasts. Do you agree that we should allow “hoe-ness” to be deleted? The writer ends the piece with this quote from Kim K herself: “Things sometimes happen that might be shocking and it seems like the end of the world for a while… … You make mistakes, but I don’t have any regrets. I’m the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it.” So — where do you stand on this issue?

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Kim K Freaky Flick Snapshot Waved On Banner During Yeezy’s Glastonbury Show… Can Hoeness Ever Be Deleted???