Tag Archives: shareen-blair

Bill Clinton Warns of Looming Disasters

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Former President Bill Clinton said Friday that disasters such as worldwide famine and an obesity epidemic threaten the country’s stability unless politicians begin to look ahead and cooperate

Read more from the original source:
Bill Clinton Warns of Looming Disasters

The Huffington Post: Bill Clinton Challenges the N…

The Huffington Post: Bill Clinton Challenges the Netroots “Anti-War Crowd” Excerpt: “In a conference call with major donors yesterday, former President Bill Clinton challenged the netroots for backing Barack Obama as an anti-war candidate, according to The Hill newspaper. While avoiding any direct criticism of Obama's statements, President Clinton said it was “ludicrous” to treat “Hillary and Obama's positions on the war as polar opposites.” Then he tried to fact-check the netroots:” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ari-melber/bill-clinton-challenges-t_b_44099.html Alex

See original here:
The Huffington Post: Bill Clinton Challenges the N…

Senator Clinton. . . Bill?

Karl E.

Read the original post:
Senator Clinton. . . Bill?