Tag Archives: sheer-fabric

Avril Lavigne and the Perverted Black Paparazzi of the Day

Avril Lavinge is fucking annoying. I see her proactive commercials and they make me want to kill myself…but then again so does waking up in the morning….but the paparazzi are fucking clowns…especially the black dude and I love it… last week we had him moaning over Ashley Tisdale and this week he’s asking Avril if she got Brody Jenner anything sexy for Valentines day…a little “agent provocateur”…and I’m not even sure homie even has a camera…I think he’s the equivalent of a dude who flashes his cock to school girls on the bus….and I’d love to hang out with him….or at least give him his own talk show….all panting and telling girls they are sexy like a fucking rapist all day….

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Avril Lavigne and the Perverted Black Paparazzi of the Day

Mini Anden Nipple for Harper’s Bazaar Turkey of the Day

You don’t know who Mini Anden is and either do I…but I do know what her nipple looks like under some kind of sheer fabric because she’s just that kind of girl…a model from Sweden, even though she is neither blonde or busty, in her 30s who has moved to LA because she wants to pursue acting, but since roles like “supermodel in ocean’s twelve” aren’t cutting it for her and her model husband’s bank accounts, she’s taking on cover shoots for Arab country franchises of fashion magazines, showing more nipple than most American magazines, because Christian run governments are way more uptight than Muslim run governments….cuz Christians are just as fucking crazy….and cuz showing her tits for fashion is kinda her thing…Who cares…here are the pics.

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Mini Anden Nipple for Harper’s Bazaar Turkey of the Day

Hayden Panettiere Tits Dressed Like a Florida Granny of the Day

I don’t know if this is even Hayden Panettiere, but they say it is so I’m just gonna believe it….and I don’t know if she’s trying to channel some old Hollywood glamour fromt he 1950s, you know cuz it is the Oscars this weekend, or if she’s trying to dress like a rich jewish grandmother on her way to some charity event, but I do know that I never knew she had tits like this, you know. They are maximized to their full fucking potential, cuz it’s not as revealing as when you’ve got a sheer fabric over the shit, like wrapping a birthday present in saran wrap but more luxurious or some shit… I don’t know what I’m saying. It happens.

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Hayden Panettiere Tits Dressed Like a Florida Granny of the Day