Tag Archives: short-hiatus

New Music: The Bossip Boombox Presents “The NBKOTB” Edition

The Boombox is BAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK! Bossip is happy to bring you the latest installment of the “New Black Kids On The Block” Boombox. After a short hiatus, we’re back just in time for the summer and we’re kicking it off right! The boombox is a chance for us to introduce you to a couple of new and/or independent artists that you may not be too familiar with but NEED to check out. Make sure you peep the new music and tell us what you think! So, hit the flip, sit back and put the volume on 11…

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New Music: The Bossip Boombox Presents “The NBKOTB” Edition

Felicia Chin new boyfriend Kingone Wang photo

Felicia Chin praised her foreign co-star for his natural acting and friendly nature. “I used to watch his idol drama, Why Why Love, and always thought him to be a serious person. Turns out he#39;s nothing like that,” she said. Looks like Felicia Chin can#39;t get enough of TV. After a short hiatus from acting, the former-actress-now-student will be back on our goggle boxes this December. But hang on, she#39;s not giving up her books just yet. The pretty actress last exited our TV sets and em

Felicia Chin new boyfriend Kingone Wang photo

Campania owner Joseph Cerniglia body found

The 39-year-old man Joseph Cerniglia was the chef and owner of Campania, a restaurant in Fair Lawn, NJ. He was pulled from the water around 3 p.m. Friday (Sept. 24) and while the cause of death is under investigation, no criminal activities are suspected, according to authorities. A body found floating in the Hudson River has been identified as Joseph Cerniglia, a chef and restaurateur featured on Season 1 of Gordon Ramsay#39;s “Kitchen Nightmares,” New York police tell the Daily News. The pol

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Campania owner Joseph Cerniglia body found