Tag Archives: shot-erotica

Svetlana Cluck for Polanski Magazine of the Day

Her name is Svetlana Cluck and you don’t need to be one of those country boy chicken fuckers to appreciate her cluck, and by click I mean vagina…vagina for some photographer that is packaging this as fashion, because last time I checked vaginas are fashionable…they are my favorite thing to wear… As you know if you visit this site, I am all for this aspiring model behavior, if anything, it is the only interesting thing going on out there…

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Svetlana Cluck for Polanski Magazine of the Day

Aubrey O’Day is Pretty Funny of the DAy

Aubrey O’Day is on her Danity Kane, we were created by Diddy, and fucked Diddy, only to be thrown away to get fat, only to get fit, comeback tour..and in doing that she’s been posting some self shot erotica, because this girl does love herself and thinks she’s great, something that probably stems from her childhood in Palm Springs where her rich dad bought her tits at 16 to go out there and tackle the world like a wholesome, intelligent young lady…you know by spreading your ass on rich as fuck brothers who can make all your dreams come true… But I think she can teach us all a valuable lesson, and that’s not that you shouldn’t fuck the boss because he may make you take a 3 year time out, it’s that you should do what you can to be fit, cuz when she was fat in her years of retirement, when she did Apprentice, she was totally intolerable..but now that she’s looking’ tighter…and back on the white sauce…I’m a supporter…. TO SEE HER CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE

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Aubrey O’Day is Pretty Funny of the DAy