Casey Anthony’s release from jail July 13 won’t necessarily mean the end of her legal problems. The accused murderer may be sued in a civil case. Attorney John Morgan, who represents Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, has filed a subpoena to question Casey and served her at Orange County Jail. Gonzalez claims she can’t find work and was ostracized after Anthony told police officials that a woman with the same name kidnapped her daughter. Investigators quickly established that Gonzalez had nothing to do with the case and Casey’s babysitter “Zanny the Nanny” was a total fabrication. Anthony was sentenced to four years in prison for lies to police like that one, but having served almost all of that already, will go free next week. In any case, Gonzalez is seeking $15,000 in damages for damages to her reputation, loss of job, humiliation and distress brought by Anthony. The worst part for Anthony is the possibility of being forced to testify at trial and questioned under oath, which she did not at her murder trial. While Anthony was acquitted of murder, questions potentially asked during a defamation suit against her could prove very difficult to answer. The subpoena demands Anthony appear at Morgan’s Florida office July 19 at 10 a.m. for a deposition, where she will be questioned under oath. Casey is officially broke, but stands to make a fortune from interviews, photographs plus film and book rights , after her sensational acquittal. On the flip side, she owes investigative and court costs associated with earlier check-fraud convictions – and likely a fortune for her murder defense. In short, you haven’t heard the last of her by a longs hot.
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Casey Anthony to Be Sued By "Zanny the Nanny"