Radio silence be damned ! While his fellow co-executive producer Carlton Cuse travels around Europe like some post-college English major, Damon Lindelof has put pen to paper — or fingers to keyboard — on what could be the greatest piece of writing he’s ever done. And yes, I am including Crossing Jordan in that statement. The Lost showrunner took time out from his busy schedule of tweaking the Star Trek 2 screenplay — I’m assuming — to offer up advice on how to stop the disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Because, if it’s good enough for Kevin Costner and James Cameron, it’s good enough for Damon. What does he have in mind? Well, it all starts with Billy Bob Thornton.

See the original post here:
Damon Lindelof Writes the Sequel to Armageddon You’ll Wish Was Real
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged advice-on-how, armageddon, carlton-cuse, damon-lindelof, disastrous, fellow, films, greatest, kevin-costner, newswire, showrunner-took, the-greatest