Tag Archives: carlton-cuse

‘Bates Motel’ First Image: Vera Farmiga Is Mama Bates In The ‘Psycho’ Prequel

A widow (Vera Farmiga) lounges with her teenage son Norman (Freddie Highmore) in the grass near their new home. How bad could things possibly get? Since this is your first look at A&E’s Bates Motel , in which the fresh-faced Highmore plays a young Norman Bates , and Farmiga his dear mother, the answer is, well, a LOT. Bates Motel is created by Lost ‘s Carlton Cuse and Friday Night Lights ‘ Kerry Ehrin, and is also set to star Max Thieriot ( The House At The End of the Street ) as Dylan Bates, Norman’s brother and one of a few newly conceived characters joining the previously established world of Hitchcock’s Psycho . (Read Movieline’s chat with Thieriot here .) The series doesn’t hit the airwaves until next year, but it’s no surprise A&E is seizing their chance at building buzz now, with Hollywood in a period of Hitchcock mania; the Anthony Hopkins-as-Hitch dramedy Hitchcock opens in limited release this week, while HBO’s more serious, skeezy portrait of the Master of Suspense The Girl debuts this fall. What intrigues about this Bates Motel first look, meanwhile, is twofold: First, the hint of a moody-emo shadow in Highmore’s face — young Norman still seems innocent, but we know that’ll change soon enough. (Plus, he totally nails that young Anthony Perkins look.) More provocative still is the sheer distance in Farmiga’s eyes as she gazes away from her child, her new hotel, her life. That’s acting with a capital A, people. I’ll watch just to see what kind of terrible parenting skills it takes to turn little August Rush into a psychopath. [via The Hollywood Reporter ]

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‘Bates Motel’ First Image: Vera Farmiga Is Mama Bates In The ‘Psycho’ Prequel

Natalie Portman Calmly Explains Why She Doesn’t Do Nude Scenes Again

$27,500 for Daniel Faraday’s Journal, and 4 Other Humongous Overbids at the Lost Auction

As someone who once purchased the Criterion Collection edition of The Rock , it’s hard for me to complain about how people spend their disposable (and geeky) income, but: Man . Bids flew fast and furious at this weekend’s infamous Lost auction , and some — like the $15,000 spent on the pilot script signed by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof — seemed reasonable. Others, though… well, let’s just say perhaps a bit of buyer’s remorse is happening at this very moment. Ahead, the five biggest overbids from the Lost auction.

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$27,500 for Daniel Faraday’s Journal, and 4 Other Humongous Overbids at the Lost Auction

Claire’s Squirrel Baby and 8 Other Items You Must Bid on at the Lost Auction

Still having phantom pains over the end of Lost ? Can’t wait until the final season DVD gets released on Aug. 24? Then head over to the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica on the weekend of Aug. 21 and participate in the Lost set auction . To say everything must go is an understatement: If you want to purchase Hurley’s Mr. Cluck’s costume from season two, you can. But which nine items must any true fan (with thousands of dollars in disposable income) add to their Lost collection? Read on for a handy buying guide.

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Claire’s Squirrel Baby and 8 Other Items You Must Bid on at the Lost Auction

Damon Lindelof Writes the Sequel to Armageddon You’ll Wish Was Real

Radio silence be damned ! While his fellow co-executive producer Carlton Cuse travels around Europe like some post-college English major, Damon Lindelof has put pen to paper — or fingers to keyboard — on what could be the greatest piece of writing he’s ever done. And yes, I am including Crossing Jordan in that statement. The Lost showrunner took time out from his busy schedule of tweaking the Star Trek 2 screenplay — I’m assuming — to offer up advice on how to stop the disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Because, if it’s good enough for Kevin Costner and James Cameron, it’s good enough for Damon. What does he have in mind? Well, it all starts with Billy Bob Thornton.

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Damon Lindelof Writes the Sequel to Armageddon You’ll Wish Was Real

The Lost DVD Epilogue Will Answer All Your Walt and Food-Drop Questions

Still scratching your head over Lost despite our attempt to tie up almost 100 of the show’s loose ends ? You’re in luck, as the previously announced DVD epilogue is going to have a lot more to it then just showing what happened on the island after Hurley and Ben were in charge. In fact, it sounds like this extra bit of bonus content is actually a subtle mea culpa for executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse and a way to provide some of the answers that the actual show never gave.

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The Lost DVD Epilogue Will Answer All Your Walt and Food-Drop Questions

Matthew Weiner Finds New Ways to Reveal Nothing About Mad Men

If only Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were a little bit more like Matthew Weiner, then maybe the reaction to the Lost series finale would have been different. To wit: Darlton spent so much time building up expectations, that when certain aspects weren’t given satisfactory resolutions (see: infertility on the island), fans became enraged. Meanwhile, Weiner is the exact opposite — he seems to delight in revealing as little about Mad Men as possible. So what does he have to say about the upcoming fourth season?

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Matthew Weiner Finds New Ways to Reveal Nothing About Mad Men

‘Lost’ Fans Sound Off On Finale’s Unanswered Questions

‘Where did Walt go? Where’s Aaron?,’ one ‘Lost’ die-hard asks. By Josh Wigler The cast of “Lost” Photo: ABC NEW YORK — While the “Lost” finale Sunday night certainly provided closure on several of the show’s main characters, it didn’t necessarily answer some of the burning questions that kept fans on the edge of their seats for the better part of six seasons. But what questions were fans hoping to have resolved? To find out, MTV News hit the streets of New York and spoke with “Lost” viewers about their lingering questions. Although she was mostly satisfied with the way “Lost” ended, Megan Betts revealed one line of questioning that could have used some clarification: “Where did Walt go? Where’s Aaron? What the heck was with the children on the island? That was the one thing that bothered me that was never really answered.” Many fans weren’t clear on the resolution of the sideways universe, an apparent afterlife of sorts where the souls of the “Lost” cast congregate after death. “They were playing the parallel universe next to the ‘Lost’ universe, so I was trying to figure out if something was going to happen. Are these worlds going to converge?” asked Vincent Perissi. “It left me wanting more. I wanted to find out what was still happening.” Other watchers were left wondering exactly what the island is and what it represents. “I always thought the island was kind of a testing facility,” posited Derek Hagerty. “That’s what I’m going to stick with.” “As sad as I am to say it, what initially everyone who watched the show seven years ago thought a sort of purgatory,” Jenny Hank offered of her own theory. For certain fans, the ultimate significance of the island isn’t particularly important to how the series wrapped up. In fact, some “Lost” enthusiasts felt that the finale resolved all of the show’s most important questions. “There will always be questions and there will always be things they didn’t answer,” argued Mike Cayhurst. “But then again, there are things in everything that never get answered.” But for the fans who are still left wanting answers, don’t lose hope: executive producers and show runners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have promised that an upcoming “Lost” DVD bonus feature would resolve many of the show’s dangling threads. Of course, that leads to yet another burning question: can you wait until August for the DVD’s release? Related Videos All About The ‘Lost’ Finale Related Photos The Sexiest Men Of ‘Lost’ Spin-Offs For The Characters Of ‘Lost’

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‘Lost’ Fans Sound Off On Finale’s Unanswered Questions

What Was Cut From the Lost Finale?

Though ABC aired the Lost series finale last night as a two-and-a-half-hour event, there were still scenes, lines, and moments from the first cut that may not have made it on the air. (All the more time to sell to Target!) Using promotional photos, paparazzi pictures, and some post-finale reflections from those in the know, we’ve found four items of interest that may have fallen on the editing room floor:

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What Was Cut From the Lost Finale?

Three Alternate Lost Endings Not Actually Real, Only Slightly Funny

With the way ABC had been publicizing the three alternate endings of Lost that were airing during Jimmy Kimmel’s special post-finale celebration, you would have been right to assume they were legit. Or, as legit as those alternate season three endings with Sawyer and Desmond in Locke’s coffin were — a red herring to throw off the scent of any leak-happy crew member. Alas, it was all just one final long con. The “alternate endings” — featuring the now-radio silenced duo of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse — were nothing more than jokes. And not even particularly good ones: Did Kimmel really trot out Bob Newhart for a spoof on the Newhart ending? And Jeff Probst for a Survivor ending? Get worse. Still, anything that puts Jorge Garcia’s Hurley in the Tony Soprano booth at a diner deserves the attention of your eyeballs. Watch the “endings” after the jump.

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Three Alternate Lost Endings Not Actually Real, Only Slightly Funny