Here’s some Mariah Carey, crazy bitch, doing some Steve Irwin nature show reporting from her billion dollar yacht…living that diva life…because what better way to roll into the weekend…than with Mariah Carey tits. That’s all I have to say about that… The post Mariah Carey TIts in a Wet Suit of the Day appeared first on .
Source: Universal Television / Getty When the clock strikes 12 and Friday hits, you can’t help but celebrate because the weekend has arrived. Whether at the bus stop… The mall… Or even at the McDonald’s… Friday is here. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Victoria Justice and her sister are f%cking killing it! I believe I have done a post on them every day this week. It’s a good thing the weekend is coming because I don’t know how much more Little Tuna can take. Poor guy has taken a beating and needs a rest.
Source: Pool / Getty If there was a list of Donald Trump ‘s biggest enemies, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would probably be in the top ten. The two have consistently been at odds by flexing their missile power and at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, two comedians decided to make fun of the beef. One guy dressed up like Trump, and the other dressed up like Kim, decided to stop by the Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium in South Korea where the ceremony was being held. They went all out for their looks, resembling the two country leaders to a tee. Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump impersonators are apparently in the building #OpeningCeremony — Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) February 9, 2018 This is great! A Donald Trump impersonator and a Kim Jong Un impersonator got together for this EPIC photo at the Olympics in South Korea! – per @ABC — Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) February 9, 2018 The Kim impersonator told Reuters that they dressed up together to “show the world this is what peace could look like when two leaders get along.” Apparently, some folks weren’t here for the message. According to USA Today , the look-a-likes caused such a stir, they were escorted off the premises and the demonstration was over. Huge points for trying though!
Source: diane39 / Getty We hope you plan to step into the weekend with the same zest for life as this 80-something woman going hard in Zumba class. Happy Friday!
Here’s why Thursday is low-key the best day of the week: Before the weekend hits, there’s always an outpouring of album releases on Friday. So, if you’re like us, then you’re staying up tonight to get that first glorious listen when your new faves drop right at midnight. If you’re also hunting for fresh new… Read more »
Here’s why Thursday is low-key the best day of the week: Before the weekend hits, there’s always an outpouring of album releases on Friday. So, if you’re like us, then you’re staying up tonight to get that first glorious listen when your new faves drop right at midnight. If you’re also hunting for fresh new… Read more »
Serena Williams Celebrates Her Stellar ’17 Serena Williams had quite a year. 2017 was the year she won big at the Australian Open , had her first baby and got married (to another millionaire no less!) Over the weekend Serena shared a gang of photos from her incredible year, check them out below: Don’t you love it that she’s sharing all these details? Continue for more